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I've seen their guards on 356 headlight glass but haven't seen the painted surface version. Personally, I would prefer it to a black vinyl bra if 1) it doesn't damage the paintlike they can, and 2) it doesn't cause a noticable paint color shift in the areas that are covered, 3) doesn't yellow with age, and 4) is easy to remove. Sounds like correct installation might be a juggling act for the do-it-yourself guy.
That's a question for Theron... I hunt and peck away, all good stuff, but when you get to my age, you need to write down what you were originally looking for otherwise next thing you know you're bidding on eBay for fluffy powder blue slippers to go with your bra!

I wonder how much trouble it is to have one of those 'search' features like the parts guys have?
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