Just a personal observation....... Battery terminal connections that appear pristine can have an oxide film form between the battery post and cable clamp...... Cleaning them until they show bare metal is cheap insurance.... Using a mixture of grease/vaseline ans baking powder when reassembling slows the formation dramatically......
Excerpt from "Tales From The Side Of The Road."..........
Also: I had a problem this spring with my cables themselves. The problem acted for all the world like a dead battery, but it tested good. I assumed the positive cable end was not making good contact, so I replaced it. The problem persisted. The negative end looked fine, but I was running out of options, so I cut it off...
to find that the cable itself had oxidized inside the insulation. The insulation was stiff and firm, but full of slimy white powder. I cut it off, stripped back to decent cable, and put a $2 end on, and it worked like a charm.
It's everybody's favorite default, but check the grounds.