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Kelly and I were out for a while last night, hitting the back roads of Howard County, Maryland. As usual when we go out on those roads, Kelly was in the lead. That dude a) knows those roads like the back of his hand, b) doesn't ever use his brakes and c) drives like a Formula 1 guy. If you ever have a chance to ride with Kelly, don't pass it up.
Last night, it appeared Kelly wasn't using his brakes at all. He was, but all I saw was the amber of his running lights.
"I thought I fixed that!" he yelled at a stoplight. (Which, I think, is why us East Coast guys carry tools!)
We had gone to my buddy Matt's house to get the Hoopty early in the evening, and didn't have a lick of trouble for almost half an hour. Once we really started taking the curvies, though, I started to notice a light slack developing in the clutch. Like it was dragging a little. About five minutes later, she popped.
The cable's strands had begun to come unravelled from the wing-nut end -- about half the wires in the cable popped out of the threaded rod. Fatigue, I guess.
I opened up the bodywork as Kelly swung the Red Baron around and threw a whole lot of light at the situation; it was pretty obvious I was done for the night.
I turned around and headed back to the garage, Kelly running behind me just in case something else should happen.
Not a big deal. What's funny is limping home in third with Teresa's red flashing tow-lights stuck onto the roll bars because I gave away my spare clutch cable earlier this year.
So, I called Carey. Two new cables, pre-cut to length, will be heading this way at some point this week. Easy fix, great customer service (it's the weekend) and I'm not out anything but time.
I'm just glad this wasn't in the middle of a road trip or something.
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Kelly and I were out for a while last night, hitting the back roads of Howard County, Maryland. As usual when we go out on those roads, Kelly was in the lead. That dude a) knows those roads like the back of his hand, b) doesn't ever use his brakes and c) drives like a Formula 1 guy. If you ever have a chance to ride with Kelly, don't pass it up.
Last night, it appeared Kelly wasn't using his brakes at all. He was, but all I saw was the amber of his running lights.
"I thought I fixed that!" he yelled at a stoplight. (Which, I think, is why us East Coast guys carry tools!)
We had gone to my buddy Matt's house to get the Hoopty early in the evening, and didn't have a lick of trouble for almost half an hour. Once we really started taking the curvies, though, I started to notice a light slack developing in the clutch. Like it was dragging a little. About five minutes later, she popped.
The cable's strands had begun to come unravelled from the wing-nut end -- about half the wires in the cable popped out of the threaded rod. Fatigue, I guess.
I opened up the bodywork as Kelly swung the Red Baron around and threw a whole lot of light at the situation; it was pretty obvious I was done for the night.
I turned around and headed back to the garage, Kelly running behind me just in case something else should happen.
Not a big deal. What's funny is limping home in third with Teresa's red flashing tow-lights stuck onto the roll bars because I gave away my spare clutch cable earlier this year.
So, I called Carey. Two new cables, pre-cut to length, will be heading this way at some point this week. Easy fix, great customer service (it's the weekend) and I'm not out anything but time.
I'm just glad this wasn't in the middle of a road trip or something.
Dale, I'll be at the firehouse on Ft. Myer Sunday and Monday.
Feel free to stop in. I have cigars and coffee.
It would be great to see you guys. I'll put Greg's new golf clubs in my ... Wait for it ... Golf.
Give me a call?

Terry, great idea. As usual.

I opened up the back of the car this morning to have a good look at the cable, and I noticed that my little axle seal problem (on the passenger's side) is now to the point where I really ought to do something about it. Consequently, the old girl will be sitting until I have all the right pieces in-hand, and can set out a plan for working on her. Should be the middle of next week -- but hey! She's in a GARAGE! I can do that!

Here's the visual on the clutch cable:


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Justin - Here is the link to the kit that includes everything except for the slave saver:

Here's the link to the slave saver. It's recommended, but not required.

Total cost is $249.95 + $24.95 + shipping. Roughly $300 plus hydraulic fluid and install time.
It's been hard to shift since day one. I thought it was the clutch cable but started feeling that I was treating the symptom rather than the problem. Today, I made an appt to see Carey in Bremen on 8-27. Tonight, I emailed in the warranty call. My friend is flying in from Texas for the Woodward Dream Cruise next Thursday. We've been planning this since last fall. It's time to call in the big guns.
Back in the '60's, when Worcester, Mass. had a real car-hop, it was called "Speedys" and it was on Shrewsbury Street - a street with stop lights about every 200-300 yards. It was kinda like "American Grafitti, then - people would hang out at Speedy's and then do some street racing on Shrewsbury street.

The guy who had THE car that couldn't be beat on Shrewsbury Street was Johnny Clark, who had a highly modified, VW split-window sedan. It was an absolute terror between lights and blew off more than its' share of GTOs, Vettes, Big Olds, Chevy 396's, you name it. Johnny would always race them only "between lights". Just as the Big Irons were about to overtake him, they'd run out of road and he had them at the light.

I didn't see him, but I heard that he was at "Old Timer's Night", a big, one-night hot rod get together in Massachusetts in September a couple of years ago, and he still has that bug.

And it's STILL got a cable actuated clutch...

Old Timer's Night:
Cory, I'll try. I just got cleaned up & am getting ready to head out to play a private party gig with my band (I'm the folicly-challenged one in the Derby). Basically, the exit angle now matches the cable angle as it heads toward the clutch arm. It was too flat before. I'll see if I can get a good shot without jacking it up and getting too dirty....okay got it. I hope this helps.


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I mentioned in another thread how glad I am that the cable problem's fixed.
I found this picture on my phone, and it reminded me that I was gonna post it a while back -- and preach the virtues of having the red lights in the car.
When I limped home that night, I had this pair of red, trail-vehicle lights stuck onto the roll bars. They're simple; they either flash or stay on; they have one button for 'On,' 'Flash' or 'Off' -- and they stuck like glue.
I recommend getting a pair of them, even if you have to buy a muy peque


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Well, where the heck have I been?? [Currently in McKinney, TX. only nice thing to tell is that this Holiday Inn Express might be the nicest hotel/motel I've ever been in. And the internet is easy and fast.] Cory, I looked for a post of our "adventure" right after it happened -- Drake is always so punctual w/ news, as well as thorough in his reporting -- but found none and went off on other things. So now i am caught up. No new bowden(?) tube cause there is no bowden tube to start with. OK, I can deal w. that. It is the Hoopty, after all.

16th Sept?? I'm in. Lane: catch us if you can. Uh, oh, right . . . you'll be in the right seat. Glad to have you. Who's going to figure the what, who, when, where details?

The new cables Carey is supplying sound very good indeed. I think I'll ask Carey to send me a spare cable, but will have to be sure about the length. Seems I have a slightly odd (bit too long) run than most, owing to the "custom" nature of the JPS tube frame and placement of the pedals on same. I know the cable JPS supplied w/ the car was a tad too short, and I had a proper one made at a local sail rigger. Could do that again for a spare, or could make a quick phone call. What I would wish to have is a recod of precisely the length I had the new one made. Should have written that down somewhere . . .
Carey, that cable you're stocking now is a vast improvement over what I was using. Thanks again!
Kelly, I now have a spare; if you need it for an example at the WestMarine, you can borrow it. It's really well-made. If we'd have had it at the roadside that night, we'd have been able to continue the cruise.
Cory, something I've found better and cheaper than the EMPI kit for cable shortening is just a standard, heavy-duty Rawlbolt Shield Anchor Eye Bolt from your local, good hardware. The good bolts are stress-tested and stronger than what you need. Just take the expansion-sleeve part off and substitute a wing-nut. Over the years, I went through two EMPI kits and I feel the bend in the cable is too tight, plus the length of adjustment in the screw wasn't really enough. Here in England B&Q sell both the Rawl Bolt and the correct size wing-nut. I back the wing-nut up with a lock nut also.

Regards, Mike


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Michael, thanks for the info.
Kelly and I lucked onto a sail-rigging shop close by. I use their guy and his equipment -- for the most part -- for the smaller-diameter cables; e-brake, throttle and latches.
Carey's new clutch-cable supplier has provided a better cable for the clutch than that guy in Annapolis can make, and the length is absolutely perfect for my car.
I'll be happy to keep your info handy, though. This business is fickle, and there's no guarantee that supplier will still be around next time I need a cable! Thanks!
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