I just looked at my old receipt from the outfit that I use to shorten stock clutch cables. The length I use is 76 1/2" from the very end to the other very end. I have an older JPS Motorsports car, which is very similar to a Vintage car. This cable company carefully removes the clutch pedal end fitting from the new cable, cuts the cable to the proper length and swedges the fitting back on. I paid $15 each to have this done, but that was a while back. You might find someone close by who does saiboat rigging to do this for you.
Make sure the metal tube coming out of the tunnel that the bowden tube fits to is aligned as to not rub the side of the cable, and use plenty of grease.
I would not be hacking a hole in the tunnel near the pedal assembly for access, it's so easy to remove the pedal assembly. And you know the spliced cables are short lived.
Boy, I haven't posted on this site in a long time.
Good Luck, Have Fun,