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Hey there guys.

I finally got around to readjusting the clutch as it seems to have the same sticky feeling and way too much length of engagement. What I mean by that is that you pretty much have to go right to the floor to engage the gear, but have to come almost all the way off it to fully engaged the clutch...hard to describe. The real annoying problem though is that the clutch pedal is sticking at the bottom of the travel a little bit, and I noticed its only when the engine is running. It might sound weird, but without the engine running its smooth and nice feeling, with the engine running its sticky. What could this be and how can I fix it? Also, I seem to have hit the end of the adjustment screw on the clutch cable... won't go any further. Has my cable just stretched too far or should I be coming off it a bit. Not sure if I tighten it if that moves the adjustment off the floor, or vise versa. Other than that, this car ROCKS...

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Hey there guys.

I finally got around to readjusting the clutch as it seems to have the same sticky feeling and way too much length of engagement. What I mean by that is that you pretty much have to go right to the floor to engage the gear, but have to come almost all the way off it to fully engaged the clutch...hard to describe. The real annoying problem though is that the clutch pedal is sticking at the bottom of the travel a little bit, and I noticed its only when the engine is running. It might sound weird, but without the engine running its smooth and nice feeling, with the engine running its sticky. What could this be and how can I fix it? Also, I seem to have hit the end of the adjustment screw on the clutch cable... won't go any further. Has my cable just stretched too far or should I be coming off it a bit. Not sure if I tighten it if that moves the adjustment off the floor, or vise versa. Other than that, this car ROCKS...

If/When you have the pedal assembly out of the car, check the clutch pedal where the Pin goes through it at the base. Thats where they crack and break.
Also check the hook. (Thats the other part that the Pin goes through and hooks onto the clutch cable end). If it looks warn at all, REPLACE IT.

New Clutch pedals Clutch pedal hooks are availiable from where ever you normally get your VW parts, like
Also note:

After you re-install the pedal assembly, there's a stop for the clutch pedal that's adjustable.

The bolt that anchors the stop is accessable from underneath the car.
(I assume this is a VW Pan based Speedster).

The pedal adjustment is to provide a means to have the Brake and Clutch pedals in line with each other and to keep the Clutch pedal from going over center (top pad of Clutch pedal too far back towards driver)
Pretty pathetic, me having the laptop in the backyard with everyone on the guess is that that its something inside the clutch is out of alignment etc. Its completely drivable and most people probably wouldn't think it was anything unusual, and maybe its not, but I hate the stickyness every once and a while. I will have to take it into the mechanic and have it ripped into... maybe next month.. the driving is too nice right now and with A/C its beautiful.

Hey James,

I am back out west again..but am planning on being home the weekend of the 13th. Oooh...Friday the 13th! Scary! LOL Anyway, Lane and I were discussing the possibility of a Carolina Cruise. You know the boys from the north meet the boys from the south. What do you think? You up for it? Also - what's the latest on the selling of your IM and purchase of a Coupe? Just curious. Happy 4th!

Hey Mark,

You bounce around more than i did at my last least you always get a good seat on the plane though.. I could tell you some stories.

Anyway, not sure yet if I can go...I woke up this morning and there was an anniversary card on the there is upset stomachs and there is sheer terror, I have both as I have forgotten all about it...I will let you know about the 13th though.

As for selling my car, I was dealing with the DMV. Apparently they are not as registration friendly as I thought they were. A police officer showed up to my house with the gun and all looking for evidence that the car was a 1958 Porsche Speedster as the VIN didnt match their idea of what it should be. I had to explain that I had a replica (AGAIN!) and obtain/share the paperwork with them and they were cool about it since I didn't originally title the car, but I now have to reregister the car as a 2007 Special Construction or something like that. They said to keep the antique plates though????? Anyway, its close to being done and then I will decide what I am doing with it.

Ain't NC fun? I don't understand why they can't get a grip on replicas. I took delivery of my car in March and it took until June to registered. I am still waiting to hear from the DMV officer that came out to inspect my car - as he said he has to bring out a NC serial number plate and watch me permanently attach it to my car. All it is, is their version of a VIN. But my registration's VIN matches the original VIN, and it is registered as a 2007 Custom, as you said. I also had to buy an indemnity bond for it as well. I thought that since your car was built my a manufacturer, you wouldn't have a problem getting it registered. Well, sorry to hear that you had deputy dawg show up to your doorstep. That had to be a surprise! Take care - Mark
I am told I don't have to do all that stuff. I had the MSO and lots of documentation, so the officer looked, found all the manufacturers tags and serial numbers where they were supposed to be and said good enough... wrote up some report that i know take into the DMV and they send me a new title that doesn't say 1958 Porsche Speedster, which I liked but could care less about. It doesn't hurt the value of the car because if I was to go to JStefano's and buy a new one I would register it the exact same way. I tried to get them to put it in as a 2003 Custom as that is what year it stated as the manufacture date, but they didn't agree. Oh well, I just hope to have it all done soon.

I'll be in Carlisle (MA, not PA) for meetings Tuesday-Thursday, so probably flying in Monday evening and out Thursday evening. Planning to stay at the Sheraton in Waltham.

Where's all that relative to your location? At the very least we should be able to get together for dinner.

Update: I will arrive at 3:07pm Monday, so we should have some time that afternoon/evening. That is assuming that I don't get lost trying to get out of Logan.
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