Two questions but first some observations. I joined SOC last month and have been entertained and blessed by the spirited exchange of ideas, events and knowledge that is summarized as “the madness.” Thanks for the privilege everybody.
I’ve read many postings; some dated as far back as four years, and discovered I am one of four people that took ownership of a CMC speedster by inheritance or gift. With continued research I'm sure I will find others. Is this a curse?
In the early 90s my brother and I started the CMC speedster project. I shortened the pan then became more involved in home life on the weekend and separated myself from the project. Brother and I kept in touch but the car was never mentioned. Several years ago he had a stroke and now the proud driver of a little electric car.
My questions concern tail light configuration and lens replacement:
a. Is the bulb on the outside the driving light and the duel element bulb for brake / turn signal? That’s not the way it is wired. Correct bulb configuration is not on the electrical schematic.
II. Where can I get period correct lens for CMC? These looks like they came from a Star Trek yard sale. Plus, the lens show evidence of heat from the bulb which is the crux of my first question.