I had a long phone call with Danny, who obviously knows all of this and has his car properly insured — but for the sake of people who might be looking at coverage down the road, I’m going to flesh out why I said what I did regarding liability coverage.
We all know what these cars sell for— we talk about it a lot. The replacement value of replica is significantly less than $100,000 even if it’s a total loss. That’s a lot of money to me, but it's the maximum exposure the insurance company has regarding collision coverage. However, in today’s highly litigious society, a liability claim can run into the millions of dollars.
Most states have shared liability laws for motor vehicle accidents. If someone dies in a collision with my car, even if they are “at fault” (in my mind), their family will invariably sue me anyway. Simply being sued gives everybody (me and the insurance company both) some significant liability exposure. Just defending myself (if the costs fall to me) can easily exceed the cost of replacing the car.
I was involved in an accident with some very, very scary liability exposure, and it’s not something I want to go through without a solid company standing behind me.
As a result, the liability coverage has come to be much more important than the collision or comprehensive coverage to me. Obviously, I want a company that will honor all sides of their policy exposure: liability, comprehensive, collision… but for me (and apparently Mitch), the liability coverage is BY FAR the greatest factor in deciding. I have the maximum liability coverage offered, as well as a $1 million umbrella overlaying all of it. I take liability exposure very seriously. I feel like everybody should.
If a company is very restrictive, won’t write the policy detailing what the vehicle actually IS in clear language, what the coverage is actually for, or exhibits any other sign of being weasely, I would be pretty nervous that they wouldn’t be standing beside me in the event of a catastrophic liability claim, which is the kind that could ruin me forever.
These cars are difficult to properly title, register, and insure (doubly so if using a VW S/N and registering as a 196X VW Beetle), and there are a lot of policies written in such a way that they would give some wiggle room for the company to deny coverage in the event of a huge claim. They could say that the car is not, in point of fact a 196X VW, and deny coverage for the drunk pedestrian wearing a black jacket and dark blue jeans walking down the unlit road at midnight. Or, they might say that the coverage was for “display and show”, and deny liability because the car was on the road after dark. It might not be likely, but I really want to know I’ve got coverage if I hit and kill the drunk guy walking in the road.
Insurance has two sides: the comp/collision side, (which pays me for my car’s damage), and the liability coverage (which pays someone else for whatever loss they may suffer as the result of an accident).
Of the two, the liability coverage as far, far more important to me. I can’t speak for anybody else.