Hi Folks,
I am a loooong-time lurker of the site (joined back in 2002) and embarrassingly have only posted a couple of times….although stop by most days to see what’s happening in the speedster world. I have been in awe of Speedsters since first seeing the CMC adverts in the Hot VW’s magazines back in the mid-eighties, and although haven’t managed to own one myself yet (young family with commitments), the dream is still alive!!!
I live on the Sunshine Coast, on the east coast of Australia and after much planning, we’re taking the kids on a vacation to the US for a month, arriving in LA on the 19th June. We have a three week road-trip planned on the west coast before heading to NY & Washington DC for a week.
I’m shattered we fly in two weeks too late to have a shot at the SLO weekend!!
Anyway, my wonderful wife has given the nod to a small window (a few hours) on the morning of the Saturday 20th June (where we have nothing specifically planned) on the off-chance that there are any speedster owners out there that might be interested in swinging past and showing their beautiful machine to a speedster starved Aussie!!.....and even more presumptuous in wondering…hoping...of riding shot-gun for a short run up the PCH?? Nothing more quintessentially Cali than that in my mind!!
We will be staying in Santa Monica (on Santa Monica Blvd) and would be stoked to hear back from anyone!!