Well my Speedster D arrived last Tue in the AM. As I guessed Chrissa (my Wife) grabbed the keys and took it for a spin right away. She said that it drove nice and felt like a VDub (we have had a few in the past). A positive first impression.
When I got home I saw that it was better than I had pictured a big thanks to Joe P for a great deal. I figured the best way to climb in and out without wacking my head on the top. This is the higher D top. I did try out a speedster and the top was even shorter! I really wanted the roll up windows having already had the side curtain experience with my MGA in high school and college.
On Wed I got all my DMV stuff together working on it late into the night and left it on the desk. On Thurs AM I called Chrissa from work and told her I had the DMV packet ready for as soon as I got home. She grabbed the paperwork and drove up to the local San Diego DMV office and "got er done" or at least a temp tag for 3 months. What a Gal!!! She called me repeatedly while at the DMV for guidance. The DMV was clueless. They had to check the VIN 3 times and would not look up the VIN for date of VW pan or accept the engine date. They would not look at the engine number and paperwork I had that proved the engine date 73'. These people were not even born when VW's were around and this was all to weird for them.
A supervisor was called in and he rechecked the VIN again and decided to just put down 0000 for the date of manufacture and told me to get the smog checked with the caution that we need to make sure that the smog tech knows our story (73'VW engine).
Did not even make me go to a smog referee. So the rules state that no smog is required on makes before 76' on specially constructed cars.
Sounds pretty good I think.
I called Dooleys in Santee yesterday who is in our shops tab and is a smog test station and a aircooled VW repair shop. He was out of town until Tue but I had talked to the owner a few weeks ago who told me that it was crucial to have the DMV correctly identify the car. It looks like DMV is leaving it up to the smog testing to identify the engine. And I can always go in and tell my story. The previous owners have all the sales receipts from the beginning.
So that the DMV update so far. By the way I drove around Sat and it was great my face muscles are sore from the SEG.
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