Huh? Top fits nicely all around but the front of the curtain doesn't jive with the snap from canvas to windshield. I've done my homework in the club here looking for this answer, and MANY THANKS to Gordon (and others) for his 2004 postings and trial/error for the ideas there.
The curtains need to be inside the windshield, of course, but the snap-and-flap seem to want to keep curtain outside. When I shut the door (no Vince, I'm not going to drive with the doors open, but thanx in advace for your help) the curtain top-forward corner gets all smashed in there. Does the curtain go under, through, around - what? Or is my curtain just not set in the right way? I wonder if having the VS curtain mounts on the door would help.
CMC body, brand new VS Stayfast top and curtains.
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