This IS WRONG for replicas. Do Not space the fasteners 1- 1/2" back from the body tub edge will not have enough material to wrap the header bow and the side curtains will also have a huge gap at the windshield. I've done many tops and here is the right way: Fold the top in half marling center below the window along the bottom edging and center on the front rough edge. You'll need 13 fasteners on the body: Start by installing the first fastener center lined up to the center bar of the deck lid grill. The fastener edge is 3/8" back from the tub edge . Then install additional male fasteners 6 -1/2" apart ( Leave the last 2 closest to the door on both sides off for now... Then you glue the top to the header bow , after that is done go back and install the last fasteners. Be Sure to not have a fastener fall on a seam as the material will be too thick to properly install . You''' also need two fasteners for the windshield frame, two for the side curtain strap, two for the side curtain edge at the body and another two to secure the tonneau straps to the rear tub wall.