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OK, got 'em!

Measuring from the edge of the body at the door frame straight back to the C/L of the bolt:

The glassed-in bolt socket is 3-1/4" back and 2-1/4" down from the top edge of the body.  

Both sides are within 1/8" of each other (which is amazing, because nothing else on a CMC is the same side-to-side)...   🙄

That area is carpeted over, but if you peel back the carpet in that area you may find them.


Here are a couple of photos of the top pivot receptacle, inside of the right rear fender well (the driver's side is the same as a mirror image).  You are looking forward from the rear wheel with the rear seat tub on the left.

The tube appears to enter the rear seat area at those measurements I provided yesterday, gets fiberglassed to the outside of rear seat tub to hold it in place.  It looks to be nothing more than a steel tube, threaded on the rear seat end on the inside to accept the pivot bolt.  The tube then goes across the fender well to the inside of the body, where it has a 90º bend in it and 4" - 6" of it gets fiberglassed against the inside of the body to give it rotational strength for when you're tightening the pivot bolt.

Here, in this photo from two slightly different angles, is the tube, glassed against the inside of the body.  the metal plate you see is the back side of the passenger door latch.  The 1" X 1" support at the lower left was added by me to strengthen the support  of the rear frame member - It is not usually found in CMC or Vintage cars and may be ignored for the top support bracket.  The driver's side is the same as a mirror image of this view.


From a slightly more vertical angle.  The sheet metal screw on the left is one of the convertible top snaps (just so you know where this is).


Hope this helps......


Images (2)
  • IMG_2110
  • IMG_2111
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