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Stan, if you're headin' west, that wind screen has got to go - big time.

Strut that on your Speedster here and you might as well be wearing a bowler hat, a cummerbund, or spats.

It's not just a lifestyle thing - the air itself is different. The gear you're gonna need here is light years from what might work in Peoria or Stanistan.

Here's what our resident expert has worked out to be best for local conditions on the PCH:



I've been in Fresno, and Sacto, and Chico, and Tahoe, and San Jose, and SLO, and Yosemite, and have cruised CA1-- all in my girly-man speedster. I've also been to Barstow, Vegas, and SLC (and every other place west of here I can think of) in my car.

Don't tell anybody, but the wind-screen was pretty nice there as well.

I just figured if Teby was intent on inviting the entire continent to CA, he probably had a place for me to hang out. It was most kind of him to extend the invite, and I'm going to be packing up my shop and heading his way ASAP.

I took a drive today to try out the windscreen. I made the following observations:

The screen works best when it is at least the same height as the windshield.

My hair stayed out of my face up to 65 mph. It got bothersome at 85.

There is more turbulence when following cars at speed.

The backwind pushing the screen from behind is strong! I had to really tighten up the pivot points to keep the screen from pushing forward.

The cockpit is quieter at speed.

Next project is to modify the mounting hardware.


Did you have any sensors in place that would measure air velocity vectors in three dimensions fore and aft of the air blocker?   It is especially important to those of us (like you, apparently) who are cursed with ample amounts of natural (not that "Hair Club for Men stuff), follicular endowments and who might, naturally, wish to protect their naturally imbued locks.  

Terry Nuckels posted:

I took a drive today to try out the windscreen. I made the following observations:

The screen works best when it is at least the same height as the windshield.

My hair stayed out of my face up to 65 mph. It got bothersome at 85.

There is more turbulence when following cars at speed.

The backwind pushing the screen from behind is strong! I had to really tighten up the pivot points to keep the screen from pushing forward.

The cockpit is quieter at speed.

Next project is to modify the mounting hardware.

All of that is spot on.

The windscreen has to be equal to the windshield height-- actually higher is better, but it looks too dorky even for a Midwestern hick-town boy.

The trick is in the mounts. The hardware needs to be about 2x stronger than you think it's going to be.

I have no worries about my hair, but Jeanie does. All you Jack LaLane he-men poo-pooing the windscreen must like driving by yourselves. I've yet to meet a woman who looks for a conveyance where her hair is guaranteed to get messed up and she won't be able to make conversation. It's one of the reasons I stopped riding motorcycles. 

OK   I'm Confused here ........... 

Terry Nuckles................ You are messing me all up with your wind screen-a-ma- thingy  

You state on Page 1, Chapter 1 of  your mega monster best selling 1 page, 1 chapter book "AIR FLOW, HAIR FLOW," "The Study of Air and Hair-Flow density & Hippies Whom Drive Convertibles" (circa 1966),   

AND I QUOTE!!! .................





Further discussion can take place in SLO... over a Guinness if you please?




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