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Marty and Joe:


I can meet up with you guys somewhere on I39  or I80  Sat. morning?


A cool route is on RT 71 through Starved Rock state park...   And then South on Hwy26 to East Peoria.      Weather looks very good!


-There is a "Cracker Barrel"  at the Ottawa Exit on I80  (hwy23 exit 90)   I can meet you here for Breakfast at 9 AM  or 10 AM. ???      What ever.


let me know


Like I said Jim, one of these days we'll get together!


Pretty well set for our little gathering. Drove the Sunday morning cruise route this morning and everything looks good. Reservations for dinners all made and sites for lunches picked out. Weather is looking good and the corn is up about a foot and a half. 


I hear Cory is somewhere in Indiana with the Hoopty, Rich is deciding on which car to bring, Marty is polishing the IM, Joe is itching to get on the road, Tom is heading this direction, Chris is coming too, and Stan is somewhere on a roof in Peoria fixing someones air conditioning. I gotta go clean the car.

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