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Originally Posted by Rick99GSX:

The only way the wife and I would miss this is if weather doesn't cooperate... no roof on the spyder ... speedsters have that advantage  

Rick99GSX, I assume your name is Rick, correct? I further surmise (with my razor-sharp powers of observation) that you have a '99 Suzuki GSX. If that's correct, is it an "R" or a Katana? 600, 750, or Hayabusa?


More importantly, where are you from? Mrs. GSX's name?


Inquiring minds, and all that.

You know, I have been following this thread with interest.Would love to attend this, but it doesn't look do-able time-wise for me. 932 miles each way solo would be interesting for sure. It would be 2 days realistically each way plus the weekend rides. Not able to take that much time off and still have vacation time left for the kids over the summer, you see?

I would think that the only thing we would need to worry about as far as hotel/motel reservations is what type of crowd they are expecting for The Great Race. Though it may be an interesting event, I'm thinking it will not be a huge draw since it will be on a Monday...


Stan, to take a load off of you, would you like me to bird-dog The Great Race people for exact location, logistics, etc.?

OK, gentlemen-- I think we have a hotel, but I want to make sure it's good with all of you before I pull the trigger and block out the rooms.




I think the Embassy Suites in East Peoria is going to be perfect for us. It's a big hotel right on the riverfront in East Peoria with great access to the highway, plenty of good places to eat, and great access to the "Great Race" stop. The rooms are 2-room suites with king beds and a separate sitting room. The rate includes a hot, cook-to-order breakfast, and a "manager's reception" (open bar and snacks) from 5:30PM- 7:30 PM every night. The parking lot is decently secure, there's on-site security, and some limited covered parking (under a "bridge-way" between the hotel and conference facility).


Here's a link to the room information: Embassy Suites, East Peoria


Again, PLEASE DON'T TRY TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION YET! I can get a group rate of $129/night, for a minimum of 5 rooms. The sales department has told me there is no shortage of rooms for the 2 nights we are requesting.


If this is good with you, please let me know. There are places that might be $20/night or so cheaper, but I guarantee this is the nicest thing we're going to find for what we are doing here.



Goes without saying I am in, you cannot beat Embassy Suites for the breakfast and mangers reception. I cannot tell you how much fun I had last year with this impromtu get together. I had my car for just about a month last year and this was a great learning experience for me. Here's a great shot at the People's Republic of Stanistan's Presidential Palace.



Images (1)
  • Stan's

BTW, I have sent out a personal invite to another of our members here, Peter Konkel (whom I have known for over 30 years), who lives in the Chicagoland megatropolis somewhere. Peter's normally not allowed to drive his wife's VS Speedster without her permission, but he does have some other rather cool cars (if not mistaken, a Caterham and one or more TVR's for starters) that he could select from for this event if he so chooses to join us. Peter, report in here please!

Originally Posted by Marty Grzynkowicz-2012 IM Suby-Roadster:

Jack, Maybe Joe and I can meet you and Rich at 39/80 in Lasalle Peru.  We can drive down 26 by the river to Peoria if we are not in a hurry?

If you do, Jack might enjoy a stop at the Starved Rock State Park lodge and get some lunch (try not to hit one of the 10,000 H/D riders). There are some decent roads up that way as well.

Yup, that's where Steve Wojciak and I met Joe last year as I recall. Just a few miles south on 39 and then we head west to some more rural roads. Took that route on my return with "Betty" last month as well. Some good silos  along that route too. We'll need to investigate Starved Rock State Park lodge maybe if it fits our schedule. Just a suggestion, Stan, would that be a destination for a cruise? BUT, you are the lead here, it's your party, MON!

Jack, you and I can figure out our Wisconsin rendezvous as time goes on here. We can discuss at Carlisle as well.

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