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Originally Posted by Marty Grzynkowicz-2012 IM Suby-Roadster:

Stan, Sandy is coming.  Looks like a scorcher so far with 95 Degree Temps and a Heat Index of over 100 degrees.  Bring the Sun Tan Lotion     

Excellent, Marty! As far as the weather-- we're still 12 days out for the start of the fun. This is Illinois, anything could happen in that amount of time.


Everybody else-- there's still time to get a room and join the fun!

Ok, the room is booked and here are my plans. Turns out my friend's daughter has a softball tournament in Peoria the same weekend and their group is also staying at Embassy.

 I will be leaving Chicago Saturday morning around 8 and headed down 55 to 74. Going to try and catch a game in the early afternoon before everyone gets to town.

 Will hang around most of the day Sunday,but will head back to Chicago Sunday night to prepare for a meeting that I have Monday morning.

 Looking forward to meeting everyone.


Hey North and West siders.  What are the plans for take off?  Tom, Look forward to meeting you in Perioa. Since we normally do all Turn pike to PA, I was hoping to get of the interstate if we have time.  We can take Interstate 39 down to 18 (AKA 13th road) and head west over to 26 and drive down the east side of the river to Perioa.  OR 18 west to 89 and down though the little town called Metamora.  Thoughts?

Last edited by Marty Grzynkowicz
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