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Save the Dates! (you can go ahead and club the baby seals and harpoon the whales, as long as you save the dates)


Corn Daze, Part Duex, 2013

June 22-24, 2013


  • Saturday, June 22: travel day, Peoria motel check-in, Dinner get-together in town.
  • Sunday, June 23: Brunch, 100+ mi cruise/drive (stops every hour or some fabulous to average local destinations), Dinner at an area restaurant (location yet to be determined), dessert/bench-racing at the People's Republic of Stanistan's presidential palace (20 minutes form the hotel). Hotel.
  • Monday, June 24: Brunch, motel check-out. Rich and Cory really want to see the "Great Race" roll through Peoria on Monday. The race is scheduled to stop for lunch in town-- I'm not sure where/when, but details will be forthcoming. Travel home.

We'll try to have a nice mix of eating together, hanging-out, and driving (weighted towards driving). It'd probably be good for everybody to stay in the same hotel, but I haven't blocked out any rooms yet. It shouldn't be a big deal, as there are plenty to choose from. Details will be forthcoming once I get a better feel for how many out-of town guys are planing on coming.


Plan on corn, bugs, driving, and good company. Be there, or be square.

A single point in isolation is a reference point. Two points is a line. Three points is a trend. Trends don't lie.

"BlazeCut®(TM) woulda' saved it!!"

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Originally Posted by Stan Galat, '05 IM, 2276, Tremont, IL:
... It'd probably be good for everybody to stay in the same hotel, but I haven't blocked out any rooms yet. It shouldn't be a big deal, as there are plenty to choose from. Details will be forthcoming once I get a better feel for how many out-of town guys are planing on coming...

Last year, during our afternoon excursion, we stopped in Washington, Illinois...a quaint little town. The Cornerstone Bed & Breakfast appears to be directly above the "watering hole" we stopped at that day. Judging from their web site, it looks like a nice alternative to the chain motels and about a 20 minute ride north from Stanistan...

Originally Posted by Jack Crosby, Hot Sp'gs,AR,VS RabyTypeIV:

Friday, Saturday ansd Sunday rather than Satm, Sun, Mon? Based on what Rich said

 Plus Fri, sat, sun gets me on the road Mon and I want to make it on one day.

Certainly not a deal breaker though.





Friday, Saturday, Sunday works really well for me, but Cory and Rich really want to do the "Great Race", which comes through town on Monday. It's a weekday either way (F,S,S or S,S,M), so we made the call to do it this way.

I've emailed the contact for the "Great Race" to determine when and where it's coming through Peoria. I'll have more details when I have an answer.


As for the bed and breakfast in Washington Rich mentioned-- it's a nice place, but I don't know about parking. The good part about that is that Washington is a small town, the bad part is that it's not a REALLY small town.


The thing about the Peoria area is that everything is within 20 minutes of everything else. If we had the opening dinner in East Peoria, it's 10 minutes from Washington, 10 from Morton, 10 from Peoria, and 15 from my place. There are multiple hotels in East Peoria, and a riverboat casino with attached hotel (for those so inclined).


So far we've got Rich and Joe for sure, and Jack as a firm maybe. If you are seriously considering attending, please give me a head's up so I can get some sort of idea on a number. We'll pick a place and see about group rates once we get a bit of a head-count. This would be good to have so we can all eat together as well.


We had a blast last year, and we just kind of faked our way through it. This year ought to be even better.

Whatever you guys do, don't listen to me. I've just visited the area twice in less than a year...

what the hell do I know other than what I have only seen. Which ain't much!


Actually, the whole area is much more impressive than I had ever imagined and that's coming from a dreaded Cheesehead in the flatlands of the Land of Lincoln. 


Believe in Stan and Bob, your trustworthy guides for the corn fields.


Here's a link for The Great Race:


Basically, i think it's a bunch of old cars being driven by probably slightly younger drivers.

I'd guess at the least, an excellent Kodak moment or You Tube opportunity.

We probably have 30 or more hotels in the area. If people want to stay closer to Stanistan, then the city of Morton is where to locate. East Peoria has everything from an Embassy Suites right on the Illinois River to the Par-a-Dice which is a hotel and Casino.

I would avoid downtown but the northside, opposite side of Peoria from Stanistan, has a bunch of hotels, Wyndham, Candlewood Suites, Hampden Inn. etc. all right in the Grand Prairie area. There's a shopping center, restaurants etc. there, but nothing you can't get anywhere else. Avoid Pekin.

Stan knows the good places that are unique to Peoria. Burger Barge etc.

Everything is within 25 to 30 minutes driving time once you get here. 

Let's see a sorta firm schedule for:


Cruises-where we might cruise and what sights to see and places to visit?

"Headquarters" where the out of towners should all stay?

Group meals-what places the group might go for dinner---what makes them special?

Additional things to see/do?


We should get 10-12 and maybe more easily in this area, you would think. There are more Speedsters around the upper Midwest than around Asheville and we have had as many as 10-15 cars at Tail Of The Dragon when Hoss was organizing it.  I am looking forward to this Midwers event as it's an area I seldom stop in to look around plus there are many Speedster Buds there that I haven't met.




Please take a deep breath, here.


I know you'd like details, but I don't have a bunch just yet (I found out I was in charge of this a week ago). I did get a response from the "Great Race" coordinator, and it looks like the cars will be stopping for lunch in Peoria, along the riverfront at the Gateway building (it's nice) at 11:45 on Monday, June 24. He contacted the local guys, who were going to try to hook us up with some parking and a good viewing spot.


I'd think the best place to get a hotel would be in East Peoria. There's a decent selection to choose from. ONCE WE GET A HEAD COUNT we can pick something, and go with it. Aside from the High-School State Basketball tournament weekend, getting a hotel is just not a problem. There'll be a central hotel. It'll be nice, but it won't be something you remember 15 years from now-- it'll be a Hampton, or Embassy Suites (if we get pretty fancy).


... which bring me to my final point (for now): I don't have the cruises, stops, restaurants, and "special" stuff mapped out yet because this isn't that kind of event. It'll be organized, and there's stuff to do and places to go, but the point of this is to have an excuse to get together. If you are looking for a "Tail of the Dragon" or Carlisle kind of event-of-a-lifetime, you will be sorely disappointed. This is central Illinois. We have corn, and bugs, and small-towns. There's no wineries, or old-growth forests, or crystal lakes, or narrow gauge rail-roads threading through spectacular gorges.


There's corn. And bugs. And small towns.


It's laid back. It's a place to go. We can all meet and compare notes regarding our cars in a pretty relaxed environment. We'll have some meals together. We'll drive from place to place, small-town to small-town, and eat at some fun spots with some local flavor. But the "local flavor" isn't Stanley Park in Vancouver, or the Grand Canyon in AZ, or even the Ozarks in Arkansas.


It's fun. It might not be your kind of fun, and that's cool. We had a blast last time with 5-ish guys on a one-day lark. My hope is to have theat feel again, only spread out over a couple of days.


Forewarned is forearmed.

Stan, your pro-activeness for "The Great Race" thing was most thoughtful, a special parking spot sounds like all we need to have all the locals oggling our cars as opposed to headliners for the day. That and the more relaxed venue of a 2, maybe 3 day event is all us Midwesterners really need.

I think we got lucky with bugs last year, I don't recall them being an issue.


I only ask one driving into the sunset...I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!


Steve Wojciak says he might bring big muscle this year. Steve?

Originally Posted by Rich Drewek:

Stan, your pro-activeness for "The Great Race" thing was most thoughtful, a special parking spot sounds like all we need to have all the locals oggling our cars as opposed to headliners for the day. That and the more relaxed venue of a 2, maybe 3 day event is all us Midwesterners really need.

I think we got lucky with bugs last year, I don't recall them being an issue.


I only ask one driving into the sunset...I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!


Steve Wojciak says he might bring big muscle this year. Steve?

We DID get lucky with bugs last year. The heat & drought killed 'em off. Don't count on it this year.


The "road to the sun" on Old Peoria Road (Mitsubishi Motorway to Danvers) was a miscalculation. That road rocks, but it's a lot better when you don't have the fear of meeting your maker due to blindness. Sorry, man.


Regarding Steve's muscle-- I've got more than enough of that between my ears.

Stan---sounds fine--especially the Great Race part.  A bunch of Speedsters will sure open some eyes too!  I have been learning about The Great Race and although I have heard of it, I never really knew much about it.  That will be outstanding to see some of those cars.


We lean towards Hampton Inns--good prices and a good breakfast is included.  But whatever the group wants to do, I'm fine with.



Originally Posted by Rick99GSX:

The only way the wife and I would miss this is if weather doesn't cooperate... no roof on the spyder ... speedsters have that advantage  

Rick99GSX, I assume your name is Rick, correct? I further surmise (with my razor-sharp powers of observation) that you have a '99 Suzuki GSX. If that's correct, is it an "R" or a Katana? 600, 750, or Hayabusa?


More importantly, where are you from? Mrs. GSX's name?


Inquiring minds, and all that.

You know, I have been following this thread with interest.Would love to attend this, but it doesn't look do-able time-wise for me. 932 miles each way solo would be interesting for sure. It would be 2 days realistically each way plus the weekend rides. Not able to take that much time off and still have vacation time left for the kids over the summer, you see?

I would think that the only thing we would need to worry about as far as hotel/motel reservations is what type of crowd they are expecting for The Great Race. Though it may be an interesting event, I'm thinking it will not be a huge draw since it will be on a Monday...


Stan, to take a load off of you, would you like me to bird-dog The Great Race people for exact location, logistics, etc.?

OK, gentlemen-- I think we have a hotel, but I want to make sure it's good with all of you before I pull the trigger and block out the rooms.




I think the Embassy Suites in East Peoria is going to be perfect for us. It's a big hotel right on the riverfront in East Peoria with great access to the highway, plenty of good places to eat, and great access to the "Great Race" stop. The rooms are 2-room suites with king beds and a separate sitting room. The rate includes a hot, cook-to-order breakfast, and a "manager's reception" (open bar and snacks) from 5:30PM- 7:30 PM every night. The parking lot is decently secure, there's on-site security, and some limited covered parking (under a "bridge-way" between the hotel and conference facility).


Here's a link to the room information: Embassy Suites, East Peoria


Again, PLEASE DON'T TRY TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION YET! I can get a group rate of $129/night, for a minimum of 5 rooms. The sales department has told me there is no shortage of rooms for the 2 nights we are requesting.


If this is good with you, please let me know. There are places that might be $20/night or so cheaper, but I guarantee this is the nicest thing we're going to find for what we are doing here.



Goes without saying I am in, you cannot beat Embassy Suites for the breakfast and mangers reception. I cannot tell you how much fun I had last year with this impromtu get together. I had my car for just about a month last year and this was a great learning experience for me. Here's a great shot at the People's Republic of Stanistan's Presidential Palace.



Images (1)
  • Stan's

BTW, I have sent out a personal invite to another of our members here, Peter Konkel (whom I have known for over 30 years), who lives in the Chicagoland megatropolis somewhere. Peter's normally not allowed to drive his wife's VS Speedster without her permission, but he does have some other rather cool cars (if not mistaken, a Caterham and one or more TVR's for starters) that he could select from for this event if he so chooses to join us. Peter, report in here please!

Originally Posted by Marty Grzynkowicz-2012 IM Suby-Roadster:

Jack, Maybe Joe and I can meet you and Rich at 39/80 in Lasalle Peru.  We can drive down 26 by the river to Peoria if we are not in a hurry?

If you do, Jack might enjoy a stop at the Starved Rock State Park lodge and get some lunch (try not to hit one of the 10,000 H/D riders). There are some decent roads up that way as well.

Yup, that's where Steve Wojciak and I met Joe last year as I recall. Just a few miles south on 39 and then we head west to some more rural roads. Took that route on my return with "Betty" last month as well. Some good silos  along that route too. We'll need to investigate Starved Rock State Park lodge maybe if it fits our schedule. Just a suggestion, Stan, would that be a destination for a cruise? BUT, you are the lead here, it's your party, MON!

Jack, you and I can figure out our Wisconsin rendezvous as time goes on here. We can discuss at Carlisle as well.

Originally Posted by Stan Galat, '05 IM, 2276, Tremont, IL:
Originally Posted by Marty Grzynkowicz-2012 IM Suby-Roadster:

Jack, Maybe Joe and I can meet you and Rich at 39/80 in Lasalle Peru.  We can drive down 26 by the river to Peoria if we are not in a hurry?

If you do, Jack might enjoy a stop at the Starved Rock State Park lodge and get some lunch (try not to hit one of the 10,000 H/D riders). There are some decent roads up that way as well.

Chris and I hit starved rock last fall it was an amazing drive. Stan we did have an HD wipe out infront of us on our way out.



The Abarth pictured above belongs to a friend of mine, Alex Khazzam. He owns a fleet of interesting cars including a Scaglietti and the world's scariest jeep (Hemi powered with nitrous, etc.) He also owns the Junction City shopping center here in Peoria where those pictures were taken and we initially met for Corn Daze Part 1 last year.


The Ferrari is a single year model, basically a street racing machine that belongs to another big car collector here in town, Michael Benet. Michael is sometimes on the SOC, (Mr. Michael) and is the proprietor of our best local independent foreign car shop, Kauth & Mayeur. They handle all the work on my Speedster and are an excellent shop. If you want to see interesting vehicles, stop by his place. There's always something to look at!


Michael bought K & M from noted 914 devotee/engine/suspension mechanic Brad Mayeur who owns 914 Limited. Brad and his team drop Suby's into 914s for fun. You might check his website out if you like 914's at all. He also lives here in the Peoria area and often has interesting aircooled cars around his shop as well.


Perhaps Michael, Alex and/or Brad can join in this year. 



Rich, I don't know what those other cars are there. The look vaguely Italian -- but you mentioned muscle cars. I feel I have to come running to the defense of Fritz the Ghia.


One, he's only got 40 horses, mmmmmkay, and the fact of the matter is he isn't as Italian as he looks. He's a German, in an Italian suit. Just so we're clear. And he's staying home this year -- so if you want to see him, you'll have to come out here to the Chesapeake and visit.




Meanwhile, you fellas out there in "Muscle-Car Land" are really in for a shocker. It really is possible to make one of these cars into a rocket sled, and we're all going to sit back in Stanistani lawn chairs and watch as Stan fires up the Hoopty for a burnout in his quiet little cul-de-sac.


Stan, I have been waiting for this for years.


Last edited by Cory Drake

Contract with the Embassy Suites is in hand. I'm personally committing to 5 rooms for 2 nights to get the reduced rate. there are over a hundred rooms right now, but it is a "softball weekend", which tends to eat up rooms (I hear).


Just to make sure before I sign-- Rich, Joe, Marty, Ricky, Jack, and Chris are all for sure, correct?


Actually I'd appreciate it if you'd shoot me an email just so we can communicate a bit more effectively. My email is I look froward to hearing from you.

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