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I just got done reading this blog about a guy in a Porsche doing a money run. Really a neat read, even though I don't get all the references. It gave me a completely unrelated idea -- but here's the link, first:

Nobody here is going to be able to drop everything like that for weeks on end, but we could all make a day trip, right? ... So, since we've got people from one side of North America to the other in the US and Canada-eh, the South African guys, Scandinavians, Brits, poor Robert doing his own thing in Thailand ...
How cool would it be to start a thread and watch something tool around like the Olympic Torch?
Why couldn't we do a "Flat Stanley" of sorts? Like maybe with a wrench, or a hood handle? Something damaged that nobody wants, but that we could pick out in a photo? You take a road trip, you meet up with somebody in a different state and pass the thing on. Doesn't have to be big, but large enough to pick out and not mistake.

Hmmm? Maybe an SOC license plate or something?
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I just got done reading this blog about a guy in a Porsche doing a money run. Really a neat read, even though I don't get all the references. It gave me a completely unrelated idea -- but here's the link, first:

Nobody here is going to be able to drop everything like that for weeks on end, but we could all make a day trip, right? ... So, since we've got people from one side of North America to the other in the US and Canada-eh, the South African guys, Scandinavians, Brits, poor Robert doing his own thing in Thailand ...
How cool would it be to start a thread and watch something tool around like the Olympic Torch?
Why couldn't we do a "Flat Stanley" of sorts? Like maybe with a wrench, or a hood handle? Something damaged that nobody wants, but that we could pick out in a photo? You take a road trip, you meet up with somebody in a different state and pass the thing on. Doesn't have to be big, but large enough to pick out and not mistake.

Hmmm? Maybe an SOC license plate or something?
On the spyder club, we shipped a T-shirt all around the country, then to Canada, then to Great Britain. All of us signed it and shipped it to the next guy. One of those knock-off VW toolkits would be cool to ship around. Empty so it's cheaper. But everyone sign it and return it to the original guy.

Good idea, Angela!
How about this:
I'll start by sending a large manila envelope to someone from here, like Cory.
When Cory receives the envelope he deposits a five dollar bill in to it and sends it to the next person. That person will do likewise and send to the next person and on and on............
After it makes the rounds the loaded envelope will be returned to me.
I'll take the money and report here on how I spent it.
Sound good?
A chain letter for cars... sweet. I have a damaged fuchs cap to send as a handoff item. everyone takes a picture of it with their car. kinda like the troll from travelocity... there is a movie that inspired that, but can't remember what it was from. the troll was given person to person and whenever they went anywhere interesting they took a picture of the troll in that location. pretty cool though cory. BTW I am in in DC this weekend, sans ride though.
How about a graphic of the Porsche emblem that's magnetic? Say maybe 1' by 2' in size. There can be a map of North America (or even the world) on it also. It travels around on cars, either doing hand-offs (which would be documented with pictures), or gets mailed if people are too far from each other. As the graphic goes to or through a destination (and has its picture taken there on a car), that location gets marked in Sharpie on the decal.

It would work, except for the fact that the cars are FIBERGLASS -- so the magnetic wouldn't have anything to stick to. Oh well, back to the drawing board!

I tried!

It could be something on static cling material. Stick on our cash without causing any damage. Sign people use the stuff all the time. Document with photos everywhere it goes and then make the pics into a collage poster. Perhaps a "Flat Ferry" character. Terry could offer a cash prize for the best places, most interesting, best photo, and so on with all that cash he'll have . . .
It was a Gnome that made its travel in the movie Amelie with Audrey Tautou -

Taking from B.E.R.T's idea, How about a 20" (large enough to fit the door) static cling SOC logo that can be driven from state to state (not meaning to leave out our international brothers and sisters) and signed. It can be auctioned off for a good cause at the next Carlisle meet.
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