I just got done reading this blog about a guy in a Porsche doing a money run. Really a neat read, even though I don't get all the references. It gave me a completely unrelated idea -- but here's the link, first:
Nobody here is going to be able to drop everything like that for weeks on end, but we could all make a day trip, right? ... So, since we've got people from one side of North America to the other in the US and Canada-eh, the South African guys, Scandinavians, Brits, poor Robert doing his own thing in Thailand ...
How cool would it be to start a thread and watch something tool around like the Olympic Torch?
Why couldn't we do a "Flat Stanley" of sorts? Like maybe with a wrench, or a hood handle? Something damaged that nobody wants, but that we could pick out in a photo? You take a road trip, you meet up with somebody in a different state and pass the thing on. Doesn't have to be big, but large enough to pick out and not mistake.
Hmmm? Maybe an SOC license plate or something?
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