Michael McKelvey posted:@IaM-Ray thanks for continuing the conversation.
Instead of using the brake light thing on the master cylinder, could I tap into a wire going to the brake lights in the rear?
If I use the wireless switch, it would be nice to keep all of the wiring in the rear of the car.
Instructions from CruiseControl Store....
If you use the wires that simply goto a brake light ....
using a 5 port relay.. NO (normally open)
86 is fed 12 volt from brake light, i.e.: gets 12 volt when you press the brake.... feed from a tail light...
85 & 30 get a GOOD ground,
87A goes to the White with Brown Stripe on the CPU from rostra,
87 has no connection.
This becomes, the press brake and turn off cruise part.
•This forgoes using all the fuss of micro switches etc.