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Wife & I just got back from a few days cruising California's central coast. Stayed in Moonstone Beach (Cambria) and enjoyed the weather, clear skies and 68 degrees - perfect for an early morning run up Hwy 1. Jim W - when we crossed Bixby Bridge I thought about your great snapshot at that location.

Anyway, here's pic of the Speedy on Moonstone Beach as we were heading up to Big Sur. Everywhere we went, we were stopped by folks admiring the car. This is more fun than humans are allowed to have!

MusbJim - aka; El Guapo, the most guapo hombre in all of SoCal! 

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Wife & I just got back from a few days cruising California's central coast. Stayed in Moonstone Beach (Cambria) and enjoyed the weather, clear skies and 68 degrees - perfect for an early morning run up Hwy 1. Jim W - when we crossed Bixby Bridge I thought about your great snapshot at that location.

Anyway, here's pic of the Speedy on Moonstone Beach as we were heading up to Big Sur. Everywhere we went, we were stopped by folks admiring the car. This is more fun than humans are allowed to have!


Images (1)
  • Cambria Feb 07
Where you live is not important - but what is, is that you enjoy every mile in your Speedy as an ADVENTURE (wherever you are)! I think we all do just that, on our own respective terms (location, weather, frequency, destinations, etc). To me, that's what this site is all about! To enhance our Speedster experience(s) by sharing a common passion for these great cars!

Full speed ahead and keep the rubber side down!

Peace - Out!
I gotta agree as well. I drove the Speedster in to work this morning and took the back way to avoid the interstates. That meant my 18 mile commute had to stretch to 60 miles because of the distance between non-interstate bridges around here. That's 60 miles of nice backroads. Imagine my disappointment :-). It was too chilly to have the top down (mid 40's) but I still enjoyed it. This afternoon is supposed to be beautiful. WOOHOO!!!
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