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Marty: In Italy there are coffee shops/cafes just about on every corner -- it is the national pastime. When touring there recently, I went out one AM while SO was getting dressed to pick up two cuppas and bring back for our quick continental breakfast. Could not do it. They do not understand the coffee-to-go concept. To an Italian the whole point is to sit and read, watch the seniorinas walk by and BS w/ your buds. We had to come on down and sit like civilized people and enjoy the pleasure of a nice ceramic cup, and the ambiance, etc. etc.

I have seen recently little drive-thru espresso shacks set up in parking lots here and there. Most Europeans would simpy guffaw at the sight of such a thing. Are we really in that much of a hurry??

Mickey: The two-axis swivel cup holders seen on boats would work pretty well I think for your spirited morning runs to work. If calibrated, they would serve as a lateral force accelerometer. But that would be another thread . . .
It's the same in France. I LOVED that I couldn't get cafe' to go. Personally, I think we all spend too much time "on the go". I read awhile back that people in the US consume 25% of their meals in their CARS!! WTF people?! Sit down. Eat.

When you walk in to my place there is a huge sign that says "Come in. Relax. Enjoy."

PS. Kelly, where do I get me one of them things?
Same thing in Puerto Rico, Honduras and Ireland (where I've lived from time to time). Come mid-morning (10am or so) everything stops while everyone sits down for coffee (Puerto Rico/Honduras) or tea (Ireland). Same thing happens at 4pm in Ireland for another round of tea. Got so used to it that I STILL have 4pm tea every day (now followed by 5:30pm wine-and-sunset, here in Beaufort).

Life can be good........

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