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Shortly after I got my Speedster a friend gave me a large coffee mug with a Speedster on it. I have since added some velcro to the bottom, and when I want a cup-holder I stick the mug on the copious space between the door and the seat (level with the floor on my car) and use that. It'll hold a canned drink in a coozie, or a small 16 oz. (or is it 20?) plastic bottle. easily removed and cleaned when necessary.
Dave, now you're getting it!

On my Spyder, you can wedge a travel cup or a large styrofoam cup between the passenger seat and the bulkhead, right next to the shifter. Works real well in the morning. I DO NOT rip the lid open until I get to the end of the ride, then drink the coffee.
Gotta say, this one is pretty elegant:

Would look sweet in the closed position on the Speedster dash as well.

Although for my own rides, I usually spray paint a pressed cardboard Dunkin Donuts carry-out coffee tray flat black
and glue it to the top of the tunnel with a smidge of silicon or that RTV shit.
This topic has been around a few times now. Last time out, I saw a pretty cool hide-away thing that was not unlike the e-bay item above. Was alleged to be from/for a motorcycle, i think -?-. anyhow, the guy said it fit right in to the side of the tunnel, and when pushed closed was totally out of the way. very cool thing. I wonder if i can figure out how to find this old post w/ Search? . . .
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