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IMG_3488I have told myself that this time I’m leaving my 356 alone. No modifications. I’m keeping all the IM stuff on the car but I would like to add one thing. Just a 2650 gold badge on the back of the car right below the IM script. Can anyone make this?  Thanks.
Like this. SUPER is a nice touch

Phil Luebbert


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2110Here is mine.  I got it from some far away place.  At the moment I don't recall where.  Do a search. Others have used them too. I supplied artwork for them to use.  The cost was about $300.

Because I didn't have Porsche above I made it bigger.

The adhesive supplied with it didn't work well so I it t Adhesive Templates to put their adhesive on the back.



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Last edited by Michael McKelvey

The guy from Your Custom Emblem in Lebanon signs his emails "Ted", although i'd bet his real name is something else.

I looked back through the email chain I had when I was specifying what I wanted, and the size he wanted to make was 2.1 cm high x 12 cm long (I wanted mine to be larger, and went with 2.8 cm x 16.5 cm). Since he's made many of these, I assume his dimensions are correct. I also had him make the badge 2 mm thick, rather than his standard 3 mm, which looks more like a standard Speedster badge.

If you get one, I'd buy 3. It's the set-up fee that will kill you.

I think maybe i'll just stay with the sleeper vibe.

I was on a cruise in PA couple of summers ago with cars of all sorts.  They had three versions of the one day excursion: sedate, touring, and sporty.  Halfway through the sporty cruise, when we stopped for a quick rest, a guy in a real XK150 stopped to talk, and opened with: that's not a real 1600 is it?  To which I could only reply: No it is not.

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