I have told myself that this time I’m leaving my 356 alone. No modifications. I’m keeping all the IM stuff on the car but I would like to add one thing. Just a 2650 gold badge on the back of the car right below the IM script. Can anyone make this? Thanks.
Like this. SUPER is a nice touch
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Here is mine. I got it from some far away place. At the moment I don't recall where. Do a search. Others have used them too. I supplied artwork for them to use. The cost was about $300.
Because I didn't have Porsche above I made it bigger.
The adhesive supplied with it didn't work well so I it t Adhesive Templates to put their adhesive on the back.
I followed Stan's lead on this. Mine, too, is a 2110/Super badge. It came with the adhesive already on it and it has been fine for several years now.
I believe they came from a source in the middle east.
I'll look around for a receipt with their name.
Stan my be able to help as well.
I think it was less than $250 and I had a choice in finishes.
I always wanted to put a 3600 badge on mine, but never got around to it.
I think I found it. Lebanon.
Yup. That's it.
The best, which Stan can reproduce here, if he's listening, is the
"SUPER DUPER" script. Just love that one.
maybe I'll get a "2332" ??
Michael made his emblem bigger than the original. Guy from Lebanon needs the dimensions of the original. Does anyone have the dimensions of the original 1600 SUPER emblem? Thanks.
The guy from Your Custom Emblem in Lebanon signs his emails "Ted", although i'd bet his real name is something else.
I looked back through the email chain I had when I was specifying what I wanted, and the size he wanted to make was 2.1 cm high x 12 cm long (I wanted mine to be larger, and went with 2.8 cm x 16.5 cm). Since he's made many of these, I assume his dimensions are correct. I also had him make the badge 2 mm thick, rather than his standard 3 mm, which looks more like a standard Speedster badge.
If you get one, I'd buy 3. It's the set-up fee that will kill you.
I think I saw the dimensions posted here several years ago. Maybe you can find them with a search.
Thanks. He is now Tim. If it’s not your real name you might as well have some variety. He’s asking me what I want my dimensions to be. I had told him before that I wanted standard emblem size. Something is probably getting lost in translation.
El Frazoo -> ....maybe I'll get a "2332" ??
I would share the development cost - and take a 2332 sticker,too ;-)
I think maybe i'll just stay with the sleeper vibe.
I was on a cruise in PA couple of summers ago with cars of all sorts. They had three versions of the one day excursion: sedate, touring, and sporty. Halfway through the sporty cruise, when we stopped for a quick rest, a guy in a real XK150 stopped to talk, and opened with: that's not a real 1600 is it? To which I could only reply: No it is not.
@Stan Galat, where is the SUPER DUPER??
@El Frazoo posted:@Stan Galat, where is the SUPER DUPER??
My wife actually “recreated” a 2332 emblem in the Porsche font……or as close as she was able to recreate it (she’s a graphic designer by trade) … I can see if the file is still on her computer
I'd go 2356 personally .....
Let me know if this works for people who were looking for it.
@NeenahSpeedster posted:Let me know if this works for people who were looking for it.
Who did the metal work?
Lebanon Ted does a pretty good job. Just be specific of what you want. I also did a hair thinner than his standard. Not cheap but hard to find someone to do one-off stuff. Not 356 but you can see looks very good.
I can't figure out how to pay Lebanon Ted/Tim. He doesn't take VISA.
@Marty Grzynkowicz must know how... OTOH unless someone is going there ...ummm not today
@Marty Grzynkowicz posted:
Love it Marty... could have your name made " Specialy Restored for Martino" and put it on the engine
@550 Phil posted:Who did the metal work?