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Im about to create engine tin to close off the sides and the front of my engine compartment in my CMC. Any tips anyone can provide as far as how thick the aluminum to use, Im assuming ill make a breast plate and 2 side pieces sealed off an H style bus foam gasket. Pics of someone that has done this would be great!

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Why not use the OEM VW breast plate?  A used one is cheap compared to hours you'll spend making one.  Or suspect you mean the one that goes above the exhaust in rear (actually an upper and lower one) in the CMC build manual?  Fiberglass is better there as you could glass it to the body (per manual). If metal guess Liquid Nails would seal. I've seen side pieces made of thin heater duct metal or even aluminum siding.  I think 1/16" aluminum would be more durable and attractive. I can trace the 2 fiberglass back pieces if it would help.  PM me with your address and I can send tracing to you.

Yes I already have all the stock tin on my engine, I'm trying to fill the empty space between the body and the stock breast plate along with the sides after the cylinder head tin. I do have the stock pieces of fiberglass but figured it would be easier to just cut some aluminum, high temp paint it and screw it in with a gasket to finish the enclosure.
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