I am bad about this and need to get better. I've been very lucky, so far.
Are you sure we aren't related, Ed?
I've been visiting an osteopath for several years, getting really expensive quarterly blood-work, etc. to determine the root cause of myriad low-grade chronic problems.
We're getting down to it:
I've lived in the middle of heavily sprayed row crops my entire life. I've drunk water from largely untested wells or small-town water systems the entire time. I've taken exactly zero precautions with what I eat, breathe, or stick my hands into. I've sprayed myself and my homes with known carcinogens and toxins in an attempt to eradicate 6 and 8 leg "visitors" for the benefit of my wife.
I drank pots and pots of black coffee and gallons of aspartame-sweetened diet pop every day for 30 or more years. The net/net is that my endocrine system is in a fight for it's life.
My son wears gloves and a mask, hearing and eye protection. I'd like to say I've begun to consistently use them as well, but I still spray Round-Up on the construction site in shorts and flip-flops, etc.
I learned all this he-man, tough-guy, get-'r-done garbage from my dad-- you know the guy who has lived through 3 cancers. I'm pretty sure background (and foreground) chemicals are responsible for at least half of what has ailed me and probably more.
Harbor Freight sells nitrile gloves for about a dime a pair. Real respirators are 20 bucks.
I'm trying.