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You may remember the mouse nest in my fan shroud a while back.

Tonight I discovered mouse nests in both of my heater boxes!

Man, I hate to think about where else on the engine they may have nested. I probably should check the frame tubes too.


1957 CMC (Speedster) in Ann Arbor, MI

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Chris and his buddies built a nifty Spud Gun - fired it with Oxy-Acetylene mix.

That puppy could lob a spud close to 1/2 mile across the salt marsh behind our house!!

Good thing we weren't home when they were shooting it 8>|

'Course, when I was a kid, we built one to lob Bud cans - half-filled the can with water, stuffed it onto a styro-foam cup and pushed it down into the cannon (press fit), already charged with Oxy-Acetylene. Shot them WAY out there, along with a huge Boom!, flame tongue, etc.

After about six of those, we shot it off and suddenly I couldn't hear anything...nothing but ringing... Hearing came back in a couple of days (after the ringing subsided) and I've never shot one off near me since...

Got my riding mower out last Spring and, when it wouldn't immediately start, I found a mouse condominium inside the fan shroud of my trusty 12 hp Briggs and Stratton. I think five or six were in there - had little mouse realty signs and all, trying to attract more to join them.
Alan- It's funny you should mention it-- Punkin' Chuckin' weekend is coming up here in Central Illinois later this month. There are several teams of engineers from Caterpillar with SERIOUS pumpkin cannons (range? nearly a mile), and our high-school physics class always has an entry in the trebuchet/catapult class. It's huge fun, and about a mile from my house.
Michael, my great-grandmother used to chew on Juicy Fruit gum for a minute or two, and then use it to bait mouse traps. Same method for moles, rats ... it was an Iowa farm, and she swore the rodents couldn't stop chewing and starvation killed them even if the trap didn't.
Whatever, right? But she was Methuselah old, like Lane's age, and she had survived the depression. Apparently it works. Worth a shot?
circa 1959: State Highway ran right down main street in our small town in upstate New York. Town Marshal parked in the shadows, waiting for out of state speeders. He usually fell asleep in the car, because he usually drinks on the job. We sneak up, and stuff a big potatoe waaaaay up into the tailpipe. Then we got Lynn to pull the cap off his muffler bypass and make a full throttle run right past him. We are all hiding in the bushes laughing our ass off as the marshal tries to get his car started (flooded it so bad you could smell gas everywhere). He finally killed the battery and had to call a tow. We just casually happened by the only gas station in town to observe repair procedures. It was a couple days later before they finally had the car running again. The whole town heard about it and laughed. Our parents never even asked any of us about it - I think they somehow knew. I know this sounds like something out of the movie "American Graffiti", but it's all true. I know - I was there!

In the same town we had a Civil war era cannon mounted in a park and aimed right down main street. A couple years earlier, the senior class actually succeeded in firing a black powder round down the deserted main street! The town council had the gun barrel plugged in short order. But that is another story . . .
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