Chris and his buddies built a nifty Spud Gun - fired it with Oxy-Acetylene mix.
That puppy could lob a spud close to 1/2 mile across the salt marsh behind our house!!
Good thing we weren't home when they were shooting it 8>|
'Course, when I was a kid, we built one to lob Bud cans - half-filled the can with water, stuffed it onto a styro-foam cup and pushed it down into the cannon (press fit), already charged with Oxy-Acetylene. Shot them WAY out there, along with a huge Boom!, flame tongue, etc.
After about six of those, we shot it off and suddenly I couldn't hear anything...nothing but ringing... Hearing came back in a couple of days (after the ringing subsided) and I've never shot one off near me since...
Got my riding mower out last Spring and, when it wouldn't immediately start, I found a mouse condominium inside the fan shroud of my trusty 12 hp Briggs and Stratton. I think five or six were in there - had little mouse realty signs and all, trying to attract more to join them.