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Thanks Gordon, will do clear film AFTER Carlisle, if I decide to.

And thanks Kelly, I was briefly thinking of doing my own paint. I came to my senses and realized it was much smarter to let someone else do it. I am sure Randy will paint my 911 some day.

Paul, will let you know when. Maybe you can come up with Bruce, as he is sure to make the trip again.
Subaru pure white, #230. Randy uses Dupont 2-stage. The red is a Nissan color, and I am particularly impressed by Alan's layout of the darts, and of course Randy's bodywork and painting skills! The clear is over the darts and white, so no bumps, all smooth.

Thanks Bill, hope to see you there, but if it is too early, I understand. Looks like it will be Bruce, Alan, and I for a breakfast run, then a slow ride home with the pretty paint in tow!

Jack, the only problem is I have to clean and polish everything before I put it back on. Not looking forward to that!
Been off the grid all weekend(Laptop is down, broken hinge AND AC jack, parts on order). Sorry about that!

Made it home just fine. That was a pretty long day for me, 550(!) miles to Alan's and back. NO paint chips either. That paint must be pretty hard. I did clean the front of the Spyder. The car is patiently waiting in the garage. I made a list and I will be going to the hardware store today for some small stuff. Had to adjust the rear clip latches.


A big milestone achieved -- glad you got it all back home safe and sound -- and no chips!? You REALLY need to get a stone guard or something that will keep the front out of harm's way while towing. And now you get to put it all back together again. Some fun. Good thing that car is so simple: two seats and a steering wheel -- how long could that take? So far we see no "money" shots from the camera, but I know that will be coming soon.

I want a Spyder . . .
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