After a long hiatus of storage, then a nightmare of a time (4.5mos) trying to get insurance, I'm finally driving my Speedster.
And it only took a year :-S
And how did I choose to celebrate? With a 6+ hour roadtrip, of course. Needless to say I crossed the finish line on a flatbed.
Among the symptoms:
- REALLY weird noises coming from the carbs, and the left side seemed to kick in well after the right side. Results differed slightly with different levels of throttle pressure, but for the most part there was no rhyme/reason to their mismatch
- Power seemed to cut in and out, and that too it seemed like it was flipping between three different 'power levels' (the lights would be dim, then a while later they'd be REAL bright - like stock brightness - and then a few mins later it would flip to REAL dim, then flip again....
- Other weird noises that sounded like as if the fan was loose and clanging against the fan shroud (though this could'a been the carbs popping also), exhaust leak-style sounds, etc
- Car ultimately [felt like it] lost half its power, sputtered/hesitated for a short while, and then just shut off. Like as if it died from a coughing-fit.
So since I haven't driven/worked on/hardly even SEEN the car lately, I haven't had a chance to find a good old skool air-cooled mechanic but I DO have a good shop, and they said that all of these things could have been caused by the alternator's early resignation.
Could that be true?!!
Because in my experience, dead alternators don't spit out those types of symptoms (then again, I've never run a car with a dead alternator for 7 straight hours...)