No design or imagery should be free, and especially if someone else is going to make real money from it. If they paid for the winners and returned the losers, unused and documented as such. Fine. To keep everything and maybe use a little from a handful of this and that from loser's designs on the final design based on the winners entry is just plain wrong. Authorship is FAR more important than any benefits of participation. To run a contest in this way, and to take advantage of the uninitiated, however it's presented, is wrong at every level.
Contest or otherwise. And Gordon knows me, and also knows that this has nothing really at all to do with razing the factory five crew, it goes to the core of authorship, ownership, and copyright; all of which are a great concern to me. That factory five is culpable is just an added bonus. Not the issue at hand.
These kinds of contests don't bring out the amateurs for the most part, they draw out (no pun) the design school seniors and advanced degree candidates who use them as a means of presenting and completing their degree program requirements. You could pay for a designer, and it would cost a TON more than they're offering as prize money, but even at that you wouldn't get the new stuff, the extraordinary work currently being produced in the schools and colleges right now. You'd end up with what the designer or design firm is offering at the moment.
These young people, the most talented, are the ones who get taken advantage of the most. They believe that they're doing it for the fame and exposure, they end up with ashes. Once factory five builds their new car, I doubt that they turn to the previous winner for the next design, they'll hold another contest. Bank on it.
Come on, translate this into any other field and you'd see the problem. Just because it looks easy when someone draws something on a scrap of paper doesn't make it worthless. Even something as seemingly simple as the design of the Coke bottle was designed and fretted over, and is copyright. I believe that it was done by the same man who designed the Stude, it wasn't the winner of a contest, and the loser's design didn't end op on the Fanta bottles.
If a contest was held for rocket engine designs, or computer platforms, or oil contamination clean up devices, would anyone be so stupidly callous as to suggest that the entrants were going to resort to feces as a viable medium to present their work trying to score extra $$$.
This business is REAL, design is real, and it's worthwhile and important and compensation ought to be offered. Ferarri sued, Shelby sued, their automobile design and copyrights meant something. something that shouldn't be given away. If the design work entered in this contest is so worthless as to ever speculate that it would be rendered in human fecal matter, then why NOT return the losing entries, shit stained or otherwise, unused and let the copyright remain with the creator.
Honestly, you folks don't have a clue about this. Not a clue . . . and even Gordon, in spite of his outburst, will most likely back me up when it comes to the importance of copyright, ownership, and retention of all rights when it comes to design, illustration, and such. This is important, and important to me.