OK.... So I did all kinds of research on here before taking the transaxle in to get re-worked. It had all stock gears with a final 4.12. Could not fit the 3rd buss gear in so keeping it stock with a 4th of .82 and final 3.88. I have a 2176 in it so all kinds of power, but not sure if I will have the fan moving fast enough to cool. I have added a 2 quart sump and an extra hole in firewall at the fan. also found that the China fan shroud had the hot air returning back into the engine compartment, so fixed/fixing that.
I live in rural Nevada and plan to use the car for longer trips, so I am hoping that the taller gearing will give me the, not freeway speed, but highway speed.... But will still allow me to climb over Sierra's when I want. Give me input and be kind.......