I'm with Ricardo. I know it's kind of a flashy car and all but I'm not used to all the prying questions, usually yelled at me while I'm driving. I don't mind fibbing a little to the casual observer who always asks "what year is it" in traffic, I'm not explaining it to them while I wait for the light to change. Hell, I don't even know what year it is.
I can usually peg people for exactly what they're going to say:
Older lady or gentleman: "What year? Sure looks nice!" (huge smiles when I grin, wave, and say "'58!", just don't have the heart to tell 'em it's a phony, I know, I'm a terrible person, sue me)
Younger chick (alone or with friends): "Oooh, pretty! What is it?","Can I have a ride?" or just giggles
Younger chick (with dude): "...(bigeyed look)"
Dude (with younger chick): "...(dirty look)" (drives off fast/cuts me off/peels out/etc.)
Dude (alone or with buds): "What year is it?", "Cool!","Whoa, what's that?","Is it real?" or just a thumbs up
Female (30something): "I love your car!" or "Want to trade?" or just a big grin
Man or woman, middle aged, chasing me down in parking lot while I am in a rush: "HOW MUCH WAS IT?","WHERE DID YOU GET IT","IT'S NOT REAL RIGHT?","TELL ME EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT THIS CAR, IN FACT I DEMAND YOU TELL ME ALL ABOUT THE HISTORY OF SPACE AND TIME!" etc., etc., untill you almost have to be rude to get rid of them.
Regular guy or gal with family: "Nice!" and a big thumbs up <--BEST RESPONSE
Paul hit the nail on the head though, the average guy who has heard of replicas thinks it's kind of like a $10 fake Rolex of a car or something, and we are just trying to fake that we're rich or something.