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Interesting idea about that air intake.  I've been noodling of a way to duct extra air back to the engine some way -  but I think the actual execution could be better.  OK for a race car, but not for the street.


With so much discussion centered on improving cockpit heat by re-routing the heat OUT of the rocker panels, I wonder, if you did that, if  you could use the old heat channels for induction/cooling air?

So many more ways to keep the engine cool without having to run ducting through the car's center like that. Co2, Cry02, Water/meth.... much easier to keep it cool back there and not have to run piping. That piping concept only really works on front engine setups... not really efficient whatsover to be quite honest.


Also noticed the fire suppression kit made from the regular extinguisher, not really safe either. Tank need to be larger in case of a real fire. You typically run 3 nozzle jets at minimal. 1-2 in engine compartment (directed where fueling goes, i.e. carbs), 1 nozzle facing electronic components, i.e. under dash facing fuse panel, and then 1 nozzle facing fuel compartment. With a bottle that small, it doesn't leave much room for error.


Cool concepts, just not really practical (functional to the max), even for a race car.


With air being removed from the engine compartment by the carbs and fan, there is a constant low pressure environment, which is made worse by air not being able to make the turn from the engine lid and through the grille at highway speeds (over the grille is a low pressure area as well, as air is travelling over the curved profile of the car). Bringing air in through the firewall from underneath is the best solution. On the Samba someone claimed the air pressure under the car is as much as 2psi higher than at the back of the car in a beetle (again, at highway speeds), and this is why a hole in the firewall works. It's the higher pressure from underneath pushing up into the area around the transaxle and being drawn into the engine compartment through a 6-8" hole in the firewall by the fan and carbs that's going to keep the engine from overheating. A 6" hole adds of air intake, 6 1/2 adds 33, 7=38 and an 8" hole has Oval any of these holes by 2 or 3" and you'll add 12- over of air intake.


While this provides more than enough air for our street cars, that race car lives at higher than highway speeds and above 4 or 5,000rpm, so I can see why they're trying to duct so much air in from the front. That engine must consume 1500 to well over 2,000cfm of air from the moment it steps on the track to when it's shut off. 


Tpelle- You could try ducting air through the old heat channels, but even with scoops to up the pressure and volume I don't know if it would come close to approaching the volume that a hole in the firewall will provide. If you combined the 2 though... I (and I'm sure almost everyone else here) would love to hear how you make out. 


Rich- I agree; it is a little busy, isn't it? Kind of takes away from the lines of the car...   

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