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I had a DOHC Suby Legacy GT for a while. I changed the timing belt when I bought it 'cause it was used and I was unsure when it was changed last. Anyway, it wasn't a big deal to change the belt. Buy a Haynes manual(for the belt diagram) and have a friend hold the pulleys. It was easy enough that I did it by myself, but an extra pair of hands would would have helped. The only person on here that should worry about the belt is David Stroud, he is the only one who puts enough miles on. The interval is at least 60K, isn't it? I have had timing belts on cars since 1977, they are pretty darn reliable.

Giday, Danny. I get varying recommends on belt change intervals but most seem to say 105,000 miles for my early '90's EJ22. Before the engine went in, I did a compression check, did the belt and a couple of belt bearings, both head gaskets, new stat, intake and water jacket gaskets and let 'er rip. 12,000 miles last year so the engines good to go for a while. I will treat myself to a rebuilt CCR engine next winter. Hey, Jake....but typing not so much, eh ? :-)

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