my door handles are loose.i find no way to adjust these.are there any better replacements or fixes?makes the car feel cheap.
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But are we speaking interior or exterior door handles? I too am having Carey change out my interior door handles to, hopefully, the promised more substantial model. A couple of years back I got ahold of a set of older VW handles which were nice, but the splines didn't seem to be a perfect match up so I decided to go the easier route with Carey's handles. My older VW handles will be available to a needy person.
You can try Wagenwerks. They frequently stock used VW German made ones...much beefier than the reproduction ones. I picked up a couple a few months back and was pleasantly surprised. Chrome in much better shape than pictured/xpected. They were great to work with.
here is their link-
thanks I am going to call arey and check out wagen works
If your interior handles are loose there is a vv simple fix. First remove them and notice that there is a small hole in the winding stem. Cut a pencil eraser into a 1/8" diam.stalk. Stuff that into the hole, so that 1/8 - 3/16 " sticks out. Replace handles. You can also use insulation fron 14 ga wire. Usually firms things up nicely.
awesome fix!