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thank you for concern and reference to Rusty Tubs.  Let's see what happens with insurance.


I just spoke to insurance adjuster this afternoon and not sure yet.  I think the engine is toast from all the extreme heat.  Fire fighters experienced the mag. in metal "popping" when they were applying the water.

After they started doing their thing with hose and foam, the starter must have shorted out because the starter started rotating the flywheel and you can hear the engine trying to start.  By the way key in my pocket and car long before had been turned off.  With mechanical fuel pump I can only guess that this pulled even more fuel from tank to engine bay area?

Thank you ALL for your support on this one.  Hope to still meet many of you at Carlisle this year.  Craw Dad Dennis and I are still planning the trip, just on diff. toy.

I am working with a previously installed street rod harness that was altered at one time ( to save time, I should have replaced it from day one with a new VS harness) I installed new headlight assemblies and floor mounted high beam the high and low beams are on at the same time ( my wiring is correct and  switches are checked and good) only thing it can be is a ground back feed ....somewhere in the old harness . Going to remove all related headlight wiring this AM and rewire it , that will resolve that issue on way or another.   ~A

I am slightly shade color blind i.e. a wiring harness, some greens and browns, gray and light blue can be difficult to sort out....unless I back up that particular colored wire with a white index card . (Kinda like picking out black and dark brown socks and laying them out on a bed sheet)

My pita electrical problem was none other than me, the pink wire and the gray do wire look similar,  I had it screwed up..that only took and hour to find All electrical is OP! Onward to zip tying the wiring up under the dash and make a couple of kick panels.

Keeping the speedster project near budget, I bought a roll of higher end black automotive carpet off eBeg,  I used the old pieces as templates and used a few dozen straight edge blades to get clean cuts....did the install myself, I'm pleased with the look and saved $275. Had to deal with a frozen E' brake cable that would not come out of the tube no matter what until....I took a large slide hammer to it, the Brown Truck brought a new cable yesterday and did the seat assembly too.

Got the Riddler polished aluminum wheels and tires mounted fronts fill out the wheel wells nicely. The rears had 3/4" VW to Chevy adapters, tires are not going to clear using those cheapo things so they need to go... Just ordered two custom drilled drums in route from ay $153.00 with free shipping. Street rod themed speedster project is coming together better than I had visualized.

Off tomorrow so I'll continue wrenching....Pics to follow on the weekend.

Last edited by Alan Merklin

"Honey, I smell something burning".... Or how to get your wife to help you clean the Shop!


Working on the speedster today, quite early to watch NASCAR...went back into the shop and smelled something burning but no smoke or "cloud" . Connie and I looked high and low, thought it might be the electric heat a light ballast etc,  it still persisted.  Shut down the main breaker but was still there....somewhere.  My thoughts go to possibly it's in a wall or ceiling?  Well crap, good time to straighten up while searching it out..... Ran the large shop fan to clear out the shop air...with clean air in the shop the smell was concentrated by the speedster, pulled the battery cable and it still was present, having electric door solenoids I pushed the opening button and nothing Ahh Ha!.. Solenoid fuse blown,  replaced it and it popped off again. Solenoid circuit wire were cool to the touch, I pulled the drivers door panel and found a hot to the touch solenoid that had gone bad ..I assume it cooking for some time before getting hot enough to pop the first fuse. The good news is the shop and Speedy didn't "go post toasties" and I am about 2 weekends from being done .

Last edited by Alan Merklin
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