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A2151A49-5B1F-4510-B2E4-7B1F8347A947David Stroud posted:
Cory McCloskey posted:

Loving this thread!🤣

Here in Arizona, the insanely-low relative humidity (often 8% or so) makes my Nardi wheel as slippery as Teflon to my equally-dry hands, so I always wear gloves. I need that tacky grip.

They also look fanTAStic lying on the seat at a car show!

Here they are, featured in the handout I give to every valet, so as to avoid his mashing-down of my gearbox because he’s “driven everything,” and “knows what he’s doing.”

Also, I’ve included a link to some nice-looking, inexpensive gloves for those of you (not Stan😆) who might be on the fence and want to give ‘em a try... 

You definitely look like a blowhard in gloves at the wheel of a Taurus, but no one questions you when they see you in our cars...



Seems quite proper. Maybe you should use those to hold the microphone when you're near large musical instruments !. Sorry....couldn't resist, Cory.  :-) 

LOL David’s right!

Click the link for the fun...



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  • A2151A49-5B1F-4510-B2E4-7B1F8347A947
Cory McCloskey posted:

Loving this thread!🤣

Here in Arizona, the insanely-low relative humidity (often 8% or so) makes my Nardi wheel as slippery as Teflon to my equally-dry hands, so I always wear gloves. I need that tacky grip.

They also look fanTAStic lying on the seat at a car show!

Here they are, featured in the handout I give to every valet, so as to avoid his mashing-down of my gearbox because he’s “driven everything,” and “knows what he’s doing.”

Also, I’ve included a link to some nice-looking, inexpensive gloves for those of you (not Stan😆) who might be on the fence and want to give ‘em a try... 

You definitely look like a blowhard in gloves at the wheel of a Taurus, but no one questions you when they see you in our cars...



Funny, I've capitalized on the fact that not many people know my car is a replica.  I've parked three times now where there was valet parking.  And each time, I simply tell the valet, "you don't mind if I park it myself and keep the keys, right?"  And each time they let me.
One place, a winery, parked me up on the hardscape next to the main entry, and put cones around my car.  Now that was service.
Last month, I went to the California Mille car show, the event hosted by the Fairmont Hotel the day before the CA mille starts.  The organizers opened the gates to have me park inside.  I told them thank you, but I'll dump it in the garage.  My buddy was with me and questioned why I didn't park it inside the event.  I told him they will quickly learn the truth, and when they do, it will be embarrassing for everyone.

RS-60 mark posted:

As a former long time sailboat racer and now long time fly fisher, I've learned through many scorched hands and arms that there is merit to gloves and long sleeved sun shirts.  Besides, I find the wheel is more comfortable with gloves for exactly the reason expressed by Dr. Porsche.



I grew up racing sailboats.   You learn constant concentration and continuous tactical decision making.  Flying Jr's, Hobie 16, Lightning, C-Scow, windsurfing, and they also had a fleet of O'Day Day sailers.

C-Scows were my favorite... Lots of do-hickeys to fiddle with like down-halls, boom vangs, out-hauls, Cunningham...  Hated the Flying Jr's

That got me thinking.  I learned to sail (I thought) on whatever the small training sailboats were on Lake Quinsigamond in Massachusetts.  Never wore gloves back then, even though I was in my 40's.  Nobody else did there, either.

Then I REALLY learned how to sail on a friend's 39 O'Day and the first thing he (Dana) handed me was a pair of sailing gloves.  Wore them constantly on that boat, and on my 18' Beetle-Cat just because, after just one hand scorching, you learned to "not leave the mooring without them".  

I honestly don't wear driving gloves in my cars, but I'm never hauling on lines in them either.

Dana and I sailed a lot, towards the end, as he had terminal Colon Cancer and I would take him out around Martha's Vineyard or off through Buzzard's Bay for a day sail on the O'Day (a wonderful boat to solo-sail), and he could sit and tell me what to do or what he was looking for on the water to find winds, or go below for a nap when he needed one.  He was a great teacher and I miss him a lot.    

We had circled the Vineyard, one time, and dipped in to Vineyard Haven to see what boats were there and were hard over towards the East Chop when, all of a sudden this really pretty woman with the most radiant smile I had ever seen stands up on her dock and yells, "Hey, DANA!  How ya Doin?"   Dana yells back, "Fine, Carley - Hangin in there!  Say Hi to my crew, Gordon!"  and Carley yells, "Hey, Gordon! - Take good care of my friend and don't let him work hard!"  and we sailed out into the sound towards Falmouth on the mainland.    "I don't know how many boats she knows", said Dana, with a twinkle in his eye, "But she always says Hi when she sees this one."  And that was my one and only time that I "met" the singer, Carley Simon.......


I was thinking maybe Fjord Green, which can look pretty blue in some light:


Aquamarine Blue:


Car in video:


The one thing I'm pretty sure of is that it ain't Meissen Blue - or at least what I've always seen called Meissen blue:


So why would this German Porsche fanatic think his car is Meissen Blue? Was something lost in translation?



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  • SpeedsterFjordGreen04
  • SpeedsterFjord??
  • SpeedsterMeissenBlue
  • SpeedsterAquamarineBlue
Last edited by Sacto Mitch

I hope she decides, eventually, to lift those head rests up so they can be useful.

And at least she's not wearing white gloves like Jacquie Kennedy (and my Great Aunt Florence) wore.  Still trying to figure out what car she's in.

So, does she get a pass?  

Well, she's better looking than YOU, Marty, so, yes.

And especially if she gets a better-fitting pair of more fashionable driving gloves - Preferably, Italian.

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