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Anyone have a good idea what the mileage range of a IM or other make would be with a 2110cc engine, dual webers. I think IM and most of the other makers have 10 gallon tanks. Assuming a cruising speed of 65 to 70 mph, what is the expected range?

More bluntly, what is the expected gas mileage (miles per gallon) on the highway?
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Anyone have a good idea what the mileage range of a IM or other make would be with a 2110cc engine, dual webers. I think IM and most of the other makers have 10 gallon tanks. Assuming a cruising speed of 65 to 70 mph, what is the expected range?

More bluntly, what is the expected gas mileage (miles per gallon) on the highway?
Since my guage bounces around after half a tank I use the time method. And....pinch hasn't failed yet. My car gets about 4.5 hours of drive time before I need to fill it up. It's never empty but....4.5 hours. Most modern cars have a tank that gives 6 hours of drive time. Well that's my dos centamos...


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  • bob
In reality, I can't sit still for more than 2 hours (and beer breaks would require hourly stops anyways). I was just wondering if I could drive the car about 300 miles, without stopping for gas. The answer would be probably not.

300 miles is an important number in Atlanta Georgia, as it is about 300 miles to the Beach, Gulf or Atlantic, either one.
I can do about 300, but it measures in Kilometres, not miles, so......let's see.......that's 300 klic's times .62, so that's about 187 miles divided by 6 and a half (gallons) or so..........that gives about 25 miles per gallon to get to 187 miles. That sounds about right for my 2110.......

Hey! No wonder I'm getting Gas so often!!

I don't have that far to go to get to the beach, though. Here in Rhode Island it's only about a half mile, and down at the South Carolina place it's about 50 feet, but I have to fight my way through the racoons feeding on sand shrimp and crabs to get there.

Longest run I've yet done is 2-1/2 hours one way from Beaufort, SC over to Augusta, GA for a meet and gas wasn't a problem as much as not having a decent pair of headphones so's I could hear the tunes on my IPOD.......that's fixed now that we're back up North. Now if I can just find a way to disguise a pair of headphones that make me look like Princess Leia, I'll be all set

So, that Coors Molson Golden, or Molsen Coors Golden, or Golden Molson Coors or just plain Beer??

Glad the Newport Storm was still intact when I got back! How's the leg coming?

25 miles per gallon with a 2110cc? I wish...I have a 1776cc and only get 20 mpg. With a 6.5 gallon tank, that means I have to stop for gas every 125 miles or so and I start worrying at about 110 miles. That's the only downside I've found so far with the car. I mentioned to Kirk (Vintage) about getting a bigger gas tank and he said they don't work. Don't ask me why, because I've read on this site about many guys swapping their tanks out for larger tanks with no problems.

A 6.5 gal tank? are you sure. I think the standard is 9 or 10 gallons. As far as a bigger tank, I had JPS put a 13 gallon tank in mine when buying it new, no problem at all, had to cut a small circular hole in the underlying area of the lid to clear the filler cap, but no big deal. I have a 1776 also and you should be doing better than 20 MPG unless it is strictly stop and go around town. I have the baby Webers on mine and I get around 30 MPG on the open road. What carbs are you running?

I'd call JPS and see about getting a bigger tank installed. I know they can do up to a 15 gallon tank. JPS uses the same body as the VS so should not be a problem.

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