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I didn't want to highjack the Paso thread. Saw the pics last year of the blue painters tape when I was prepping and had some in the car. Since "she who (often thinks she) must be obeyed" may be in the second seat this year I thought duct tape might be a more effective noise abatement solution than the blue tape. Duct tape will only touch the Speedster in a dire emergency.

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I didn't want to highjack the Paso thread. Saw the pics last year of the blue painters tape when I was prepping and had some in the car. Since "she who (often thinks she) must be obeyed" may be in the second seat this year I thought duct tape might be a more effective noise abatement solution than the blue tape. Duct tape will only touch the Speedster in a dire emergency.


Images (1)
  • DSCN3912
Yeah, Duct tape has it's places, even different places for the "good and sticky" 3-M stuff as opposed to the el-cheapo Asian/Chinese stuff (which seems to be a bit more porous, but stretches more). The guys Chris and I have pit-crewed for had some of each for different applications.

I have to credit "East Coast Bruce" with the blue painter's tape idea. When we were at Carlisle a couple of years back we blasted off for the Eastern Motorsports Museum in a slight drizzle that quickly turned into a DOWNPOUR. He had already put on the blue tape the day before for the ride in (it was rainy all weekend) and at least his windshield didn't leak. Had small ponds behind the seats which he was continually bailing, but their knees stayed sorta dry...

I had some decent, tubular weather seal between my header and windshield frame which didn't leak, but I lost it when I pulled it out to install a center latch last Winter. I plan on getting some more shortly when I replace my CMC POS windshield so, hopefully, that'll be cured again, too.

Yeah, need to do some work on my windshield header one of these days to stop that leak. Duct tape will leave a messy glue residue on anything you use it on. As Gordon says, painter's tape works well and won't leave a residue, in fact I believe you can find it in colors other than blue at stores like Home Depot.

BTW, last year I finally fixed the leak that used to cause a flood on the back floor. It turns out the pan extended beyond the underside of the rear of the body so when we drive in rain the tires threw up water and it all ran into the pan. I took a couple of cans of the spray-in insulation and filled the opening then painted it black. No more flood.

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