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I've had a couple of emails on this and checked my stash and I've given away those extra one-way valves that I had, so I looked them up at NAPA and here's what you can buy:


NAPA Part number CRB 21038  (it's called a vacuum delay valve, but it's just a 1-way check valve used on a whole lot of Ford engines.


An alternate part number is CRB 229269, although it has slightly different characteristics.


The local cost was $13 - your cost may vary.


Alternatively, you could wander through an auto salvage yard and look under the hood of Ford cars from the 1980's into the 2000's.  One one or more of the vacuum hoses running to the vicinity of the carb/throttle body there should be a vacuum check valve.  the one you want should be black on one side and white on the other.


When you get it, blow through it in both directions.  One way will blow easily, the other way will not.  Connect it such that you can blow easily into the tank (it's supposed to be sucking air in as the gas flows out, right?) then connect another length of tubing on the end opposite the tank and you're done (after routing the vent tube somewhere inconspicuous).


All the best!



BTW:  I've never gone nuts running the vent tube anywhere in particular.  The one on Pearl goes through the bulkhead next to the tank and is fastened to the front firewall (foot kick panel) at the top, just below the cowl.  Just for the heck of it, I put a lawnmower fuel pickup screener on the end because (a.) I had an extra one kicking around and (b.) it keeps foreign stuff (think bugs, here) from getting in.


I think that the total length of the breather vent tube(s) is about 16".  It seems to be working OK because I never hear the gas cap sucking air when I remove it to fill the tank.


Also, since there's a check valve in there, I don't believe it ever "burps" to cause a raw gas smell in the garage.  The raw gas smell comes from the open float bowl vents on the carbs and there's not a whole lot to do about it (other than build a garage detached from your house like I have).

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

Yeah, Mango, what Gordon said. I found my check valve at NAPA and I think it was 5 0r 6 bucks.  I put a 6" loop in the tube after the filler cap and then out through the wheel well.  I still had some gas smell coming from the vented gas cap. I haven't  found an un-vented cap to replace it, so I have a zip lock bag and a rubber band over the neck (Mickey Mouse I know)but it works until I find the right cap.. I thought I would find a cap at Carlisle but no go.

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