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I love the idea of servos to adjust the mixture and jetting on a carb according to some barometric, throttle position and O2 meter readings fed to/from a phone so you could watch the screen and interfere. I want this to be immediately devised, documented in a three-page instruction manual printed on broadsheet newsprint in 10-point type, crated in wood and shipped to Stanistan.

@edsnova posted:

I love the idea of servos to adjust the mixture and jetting on a carb according to some barometric, throttle position and O2 meter readings fed to/from a phone so you could watch the screen and interfere. I want this to be immediately devised, documented in a three-page instruction manual printed on broadsheet newsprint in 10-point type, crated in wood and shipped to Stanistan.

Kinda reminds me of the instructions that came with a WiFi compatible door lock I bought off of Amazon:

It came with a Double sided, 8" tall and 39" wide set up and instruction set printed at maybe a 6-point font (hard to tell) with illustrations, it was a thing of beauty.  

And it was all in Chinese........

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

Kinda reminds me of the instructions that came with a WiFi compatible door lock I bought off of Amazon:

It came with a Double sided, 8" tall and 39" wide set up and instruction set printed at maybe a 6-point font (hard to tell) with illustrations, it was a thing of beauty.  

And it was all in Chinese........

Ok, Gordon, you've got me snorting up orange juice onto the keyboard AGAIN! 


As I was getting ready to go to Central America with a medical organization in 1967, they taught us how to give inoculations by injecting water into an orange.  It seemed a lot more practical than practicing on a real person.   🙄

We quickly realized that shooting Vodka into an orange instead of water was, by far, more interesting and fun.  Try that in your Orange juice - It's 5 o'clock somewhere.....

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

This may have already been mentioned, if not, this may help some if their cars fitted with 911 stye fan shrouds.  I don't know if they're still available, but I found a set of manifolds that turn the IDFs around so the mixture screws face inward.  Required some linkage imaginings but doable with minimal harsh language.  Sorry can't be more specific as I did the mod back in 2005.

CB makes the Space-Saver manifolds for IDFs that turn the carbs around. If you order the linkage from them, it works with no modification necessary.

They will fit with a regular VW shroud, but #2 or #1 idle screw is partially blocked. These manifolds are best used with a 911 shroud, as Jim Gilbert, Ewatub, and I have found out.

I didn't order them, but Jake Raby chose to equip my engine this way, and I'm glad he did. Now that I did EFI, the fuel rails are toward the INSIDE, away from the frame rails that they'd surely be up against with regular manifolds.

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