First, there is a LOT of electricity the power companies actually PAY to DUMP at night.
Second, using our dirtiest form of electricity, coal, produces about 2.1 lbs of CO2 per kWh. A speedster gets about 5 miles per kW so it takes about 5 kWh to be the equivalent of a gallon of gasoline. That's 10.5 lbs of CO2.
Gasoline produces 19.5 lbs of CO2 when burned in a car. And what the oil company propaganda FAILS to mention in this debate, is it produces about the same amount of CO2 to ship the oil here, refine it, and truck it to the gas station. That's 40 lbs total compared to 10.5.
So the assertion that using electricity is not "greener" than using gasoline is just absurd.
More to the point, coal is about 58% of U.S. electricity production. The overall mix, including natural gas, nuclear, hydro, wind and solar, is about 1.35 lbs per kWh. That's 6.85 lbs of CO2 for 25 miles of sPeedster driving. Put a minimal photovoltaic array on your roof with a second set of batteries, and you're not producing any.
There is some music in an exhaust note. But I found myself enthralled by the sounds of silence in an electric speedster. I take off in 3rd gear and accelerate smoothly and powerfully to about 80kmh, shift into 4th and zoom on up to 85. I don't even use the clutch. It's a kick in the pants.
I love speedsters of all forms. But I have really gone berserk on the electric. Drove it 101.85 miles the other day up US 61 to Perryville and back, winding blacktop that they've just resurfaced. Beautiful day. Unbelievable....
Jack Rickard