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This has been discussed on here more than a few times, so a "search" might be in order,

but I use a compact scissors jack from an American Ford Windstar mini-van.  It comes with a crank/lug wrench that fits a 19mm wheel lug, has a flat top to the scissor that easily fits under the shock mount (although those lower mounts get really close to the ground when a tire is flat) or under a corner point of the body.


Other car manufacturers have different versions so wander through a "U-Pick-It" salvage yard and find one that looks like it will work well.  Most yards get $5 for them.

A scissors jack will fit under almost anything and they don't fail unless you knock the car off it somehow.  I got one from the metal pile at the local transfer station. I think it's out of a Toyota, oiled it up and it works smooth as silk. Free...if you don't count the $90 dump sticker.


Remember those old bumper jacks we had on 50's cars? God...those things were scary!

Originally Posted by BobG / 2110cc '57 VS:



Is the blue tape for driving anywhere outside of California, or do you know something the weatherman doesn't?


It is -23 windchill at the moment with the potential for -35 later here in Peoria. With this blast all the schools are closed unlike a week or so ago. They learned their lesson.


I don't need blue tape, I need buffalo robes.



Bob- I learned of the blue tape weather-proofing system from Gordon Nichols at the first Carlisle I attended. I've used that tech tip ever since, rarely needed, but good to know none-the-less! 

I was just funnin' you Jimmy! I hear you folks are going through one of those dry periods out there. I remember growing up, at least three times when water rationing was required and we watched our yards dry up. Given your drought I got a chuckle out of the blue tape. You are, thankfully, an optimist!


We, on the other hand, are an inch ahead of the norm for the month and we are expecting "several" inches of snow Friday and Saturday when it warms up to 10 degrees or so.

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