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My accelerator pedal has been a constant headache.  The damned thing would keep coming off the little roller and flop over to the left and I had to keep reaching dosn to adjust it back onto the roller. Somehow the "hinge" part of the pedal at the bottom had become bent and caused the misalignment.


I finally ordered a new pedal and kit to refurbish it---a POS from EMPI showed up and was clearly so cheap and flimsy that I didn't want it used on my car.  I lucked into Wolfsburg West and ordered their German pedal and epair kit and it is a beauty. $28.00 for everything to refurbish the accelerator pedal. Twice as heavy as the Chinese Empi pedal and made with prescision.  Took 10 minutes to install and it is just great.


I highly recommend Wolfsburg West for quality products.

2007 Vintage Speedster/ Jake Raby TYPE IV engine

Last edited by Jack Crosby
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