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I'm on vacation so I went out on a little drive today to get some potential calendar photos and just enjoy the drive in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. At about 130 miles into the drive I hit a bump and my engine shut off and lost all power. I downshifted and it seemed to come back to life but then lost all power again. I was on a narrow twisty road miles from human contact and I found a wide spot on the road so I coasted over and came to a stop. I began to wonder what it could be and how I was going to get help if it was serious. There's no cell service anywhere and I hadn't seen anyone on the road for a bit but I knew there'd be someone where I was headed.

I shut off the key, pulled the engine cover latch, and walked back to lift the lid, all the time hoping it wasn't serious. Before I owned this car I'm not sure if I would have known what to do. Therein lies the beauty of these cars, their simplicity, and once you've owned one getting to know it is mandatory. But once I lifted the lid I looked in and immediately saw what my problem was; the lead coming off the coil had come lose and fallen off. I smirked a little, looked it over to make sure everything was alright, and reconnected the lead to the coil.

She fired right up and I finished my 200 mile drive. I topped out at an elevation of 8200' and visited a number of places today including:

Shaver Lake, Dinkey Creek, Wishon Reservoir, and Courtright Reservoir.

Here's some pics:


If you're not living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space!





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Last edited by Robert M
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"... I was on a narrow twisty road miles from human contact and I found a wide spot on the road so I coasted over and came to a stop. I began to wonder what it could be and how I was going to get help if it was serious. There's no cell service anywhere and I hadn't seen anyone on the road for a bit but I knew there'd be someone where I was headed..."

Then I heard the sound... it was faint at first... then it grew louder...


Need some help?...



This... this is why you need to be able to fix your own damn car!!


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Last edited by TRP


So the newer ones use the 'brass ends' that screw onto the plug and then 'click' into place.  The reason I ask is because I had a Marauder/Deserter GT that used to spit out the coil wire from time to time. Coil was on the shroud... Distributor was 'fixed'. Something about the way the motor did it's thing would cause the wire to come un done.  Had to resort to a longer wire.

Good looking photos. I like the one in front of the cafe.

Last edited by TRP
crhemi (Bill) posted:

What's with the now see it, now you don't luggage and rack? 

One of the reasons for today's trip, besides just spending time in the mountains, was to take photos for next year's calendar. I didn't bolt the luggage rack down, I just had it laying on the front seat. Sometimes the rack was on sometimes the rack was off.  Sort of like a version of the Karate Kid, you know, rack on, rack off.  (There's got to be a pun in there somewhere but I'll leave it to you guys)

TRP posted:

Robert - what would cause that? Don't you have the CB Performance distributor and coil pack? I thought they had fancy ends that were less prone to coming off?


When you build that lead for the coil you crimp the ends on yourself. Probably the guy that put it together needs to learn to do a better job crimping so it fits tighter. It is a push in though not a snap on/in. LOL

Last edited by Robert M

Okay... so... funny story.  See the cover of the book Robert is holding? Here is what was happening just behind the photographer:


That's me. Struggling to hook up the speedster to flat tow it home.  I literally couldn't function. I may have tossed my cookies in the rocks in front of that Accord. I had the WORST hangover of my life. This is the aftermath of my 'scrappy do' incident.

Thank you, Scott for not letting me physically embarrass myself.


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  • soc_hangover
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