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I installed my h shaped bus seal around the engine and it fits real well. What is scaring me if the foam is real close to the headers. Did a search and see it is in upside down. The black side when installed down won't be quite as close to the headers but in using my heat gun to test it, the black side will melt just the same as the foam. Is this a fire hazard?  I guess I could put some insulation on the headers but it looks so crappy I didn't want to. Have any of you guys had trouble with the seal melting or am I worrying too much?  Thanks, Frank.

2013 VS azure blue 2110cc

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After reading the posts about this out here I bought the bus seal from Chirco then looked at how to fasten it to the aluminum firewall. I repair racing shells on the side so I have a box of aluminum foot stretcher channels -sort of an angular C shape. The bus gasket fit into them like peas and carrots (sorry Forrest Gump reference). I can bring a few of those to Carlisle too if anyone is interested.

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