Some of you old timers may remember me (84im) from over three years ago. I joined this forum in 2000, when I purchased my 1984 Intermeccanica, and stopped postings (for the most part) when I sold my IM in the Spring of 2004. As fate would have it, the nice lady I sold the car to phoned me, in late August, to tell me that the engine had overheated and caught on fire. She asked if I was interested in buying the car back as a salvage. I thought about it for all of two seconds and said, "Yes!"
So, next week I'll rent a trailer and travel over to Vancouver Island to pick up my old 1984 IM. I'm not sure what I'll do with her-part her out or repair her (if possible). The damage is extensive, so I'll probably let her sit for a time, while I contemplate her future.
I'll post more photos when I get her back home.
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