There are SO many ways the oil can get out. I have a '07 JPS and the motor I got had a crack in the case, right from the get go. It was delivered that way. Turned out it was because the hole for the oil pressure sender was drilled a little off-center of the boss cast in the case for it, and so one wall was thin, and it cracked -- the sender is a pipe thread, and it opened up a small crack. This dirty deed was the devil to find, but once figured out, was fixed quickly w/ some JB Weld. Really. Just cleaned the crap out of the metal in that area, filed the crack as best I could, jammed in a wad of JB, let it set for a day, and 8K mi later all is good. [Photos are in my SOC photo folder.] Not saying that is your problem here, but it is just one of the ways. I'm thinking the Brazilian cases are pretty roughly done; faults in the cases could be anywhere. Push rod tube seals, oil screen/drain plate, valve covers, oil cooler (just ask Lane), crank end seals, case split-line, all of these can seep or worse. So this just started happening recently, or the motor has been a leaker from the get-go? Need more data, so pls tell more. Crawling underneath and cleaning everyhting good w/ Gunk and then inpecting often may give a clue to the source, or sources.