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Joe, I wonder if your pulley failed because you didn't have the right number of shims installed?

Here's install instructions from John at


To PROPERLY adjust the belt, you absolutely must start with the belt too loose, and remove 1-2 shims at a time until the correct tension is achieved. If you remove too many, you'll wind up tightening the nut until the belt is "tight enough", but the 2 pulley halfs are not squeezed together, and as the engine rotates the pulleys wear one another out. Every rotation the outer pulley moves out at the top, then in at the bottom, out at the top, until they are ruined. By doing it the 1-2 shim way, when you get the right tension the pulley halfs are tight against the shims and one another, and this movement and wear do not occur.

First off I want to thank everyone that helped on this thread, the list is long and distinguished. After futzing around I finally got a new pulley installed. I do have another being shipped from bug city (thanks Gordon) and will swap out once it arrives. Looks like I have my first item  for winter work, a little fiberglass work and paint. Spinning blades of doom indeed.


Ron I do think it was a lack of shims, took off 5 and it needed 9. What is crazy is I have driven over 4k miles since May 2012.  


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