Hi folks, I haven't posted on this site for quite a while but I thought this may be of interest to some of you.
Last year, Joe Martin (niner joe) sold his Vintage. From the first day Joe had his car, the engine kept stalling. Sometimes it would run for a couple of hours and on occasion, it would stall after only a few miles.
THe new owner brought the car to me and I discovered NUMEROUS metal chips in the fuel tank. Later,I discovered that when Greg's guys drilled the new hole for the fuel sender, they didn't clean the tank.
I removed the tank, cleaned it with a magnet and was surprized at how many metal chip were in the tank. (I left about a quart of fuel in the tank and kept sloshing the fuel around while I removed the chips with a small magnet) I then blew out the fuel line from the front of the car to back and disassembled the Webers, cleaned them and re assembled them.
I removed the screen located in the fuel tank and thoroughly cleaned it.
I then relocaed a large fuel filter from the front axle to the firewall and installed a straight through pre-filter between the fuel tank and the elecric fuel pump.
As further protection, I dropped a couple of strong magnets into the gas tank and fitted an auxillary fuel tank vent hose with a 1 way check valve. That hose now vents to the inner right wheel well.
Its been about 2 weeks since I performed these modifications and the engine is running great. No stalling, smooth power and the new owner is happy.
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