I know I've asked before... people advised going through the past emails and files... very helpful, thanks.
I still need to know what's NORMAL. Now that I'm done with racing around, I've been driving with my new rebuilt 1776 (after I burned out the last two), taching 3,000 on the freeway. Temps on the gauge reach 265, sometimes a little more (ambient temp 95). I've noticed at days and night where the temp is 65, but no more than 75, my gauge reads more like 230-240... which I think is close to optimum engine temp. The engine does drop after a couple minutes, in engine temp, when I start slowing down and tach less than 3,000. Only problem I'm only driving 55mph.
Does this seem right? Should I have any concerns about this rebuilt engine having been built properly? Should I try to seal the engine better? Do I need to add an extra oil cooler?
Please help, advise... any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
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